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Christian Leadership Alliance Member Spotlight: Douglas Shaw & Associates

Christian Leadership Alliance Founder’s Council Member Spotlight: Douglas Shaw & Associates Douglas Shaw & Associates partners with ministries to help them acquire new donors and effectively communicate their voice and messaging, helping ministries raise more funds. Through their Donor-Focused Strategic Marketing approach, they help ministries build strong relationships with their donors through every channel including…

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The Day I Stopped Fundraising By Zenet Maramara

Stop Fundraising! I was a fundraiser for Asian Theological Seminary in Manila for ten years. I began that job at the time when the American-founded seminary began to nationalize its leadership and faculty after twenty years. It made sense that funding needed to be nationalized also and to start local fundraising. I had no formal…

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What's Your New Big Ministry Idea? By Patrick Johnson

What’s driving your new big ministry idea! There are four big ideas that should be driving your big ministry idea: Compelling Strategy, Maximized Leverage, Bold Vision and Effective Mission. These big ideas are an integral part of church life. In fact, it’s likely that you’ve talked about one or more of them as a part…

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Empower Your Board By Tom Okarma

Effective fundraising and donor relationships are part of board service. But many agencies tend to overlook one of the most critical — and yet often most effective — tools for improving fundraising for nonprofits — the board. It’s no secret that best practices of successful nonprofit boards include fundraising. Often, board candidates are told during…

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Annual Fundraising By Tom MacAdam

Move annual fundraising beyond golf outings, galas and gift forms! Events and appeals, auctions and raffles, monthly emails and quarterly form letters are at the core of many annual fundraising efforts. But they can be an addiction, and a treadmill for your development team. Dependency So why do so many organizations, particularly local schools, ministries,…

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Three Rules for Abundant Major Giving By Derric Bakker

THREE RULES TO GROW MORE ABUNDANT MAJOR GIVING If you are seeking to grow more abundant major giving at your nonprofit, you would be wise to consider these three irrefutable rules. I had to have a tough conversation with a client recently. A former sales guy turned nonprofit CEO, his perspective on fundraising is heavily influenced by his training…

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It’s Not Begging! By Bruce Dingman

It’s not begging. It’s time to change your perspective. For many, even pastors or presidents of Christian organizations, doing “the ask” is really tough if they think of it as begging. But that’s not the way God would have us view it. Even if one is shy, changing one’s perspective on the subject can make…

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Part I: Fundraising Staff Challenges By Derric Bakker

Key Challenges with Fundraising Staff Talented people are essential to assuring success in fundraising. Nothing tops talent. Your fundraising personnel are one of your organization’s most valuable assets. For too many nonprofits, however, critically important roles have become a revolving door. Epic Turnover A recent national survey of 250 nonprofit organizations revealed that a whopping…

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Outcomes Focused Fundraising By Rick Dunham

Measurable outcomes matter in ministry fundraising. There’s a line of thinking among some in Christian ministry that fundraising driven by outcomes, reflected in measuring results, is wrong. In fact, from this perspective, conducting your fundraising efforts with an eye on results is actually a reflection of an unhealthy love of money. Faithfulness to God stands…

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A Compelling Story By Ron Frey

Learn to tell a compelling story! By Ron Frey Every fundraiser knows that a compelling story told extremely well is what makes your cause real to people. Stories help us influence donors to express their love for God and others through generosity. Yet how do you tell the same story over and over without evoking…

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