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Influence and Creating a Culture of Worthiness By Bryan C. Taylor 

Exerting Organizational and Personal Influence Influence is a tricky thing! In today’s world of social media, we all have at least a passing familiarity with the term “influencer.” If you have teenagers, the term may immediately evoke a sense of dread about what role model impacts your child’s life! Social media trends make prominent how…

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Givers and Their Gifts By Gary G. Hoag

Learning from the New Testament Givers and Their Gifts During the Christmas season our thoughts are on often on giving gifts. Rather than direct your attention to purchasing a home entertainment system, the latest name brand clothing or the newest toys for girls and boys, I want to shift our gaze from this century to…

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Reminders of God’s Faithfulness By Michael J. Mantel

  Three Gifts that Remind Me of God’s Faithfulness What are the things that remind you of God’s faithfulness in your life? During the holiday season, my wife and I often spend our evenings cross-checking lists of gift ideas for our kids and grandkids. Doing this brings us joy. But this year, I’ve been thinking…

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A Duty to Ask and A Duty to Give By Ron Haas

Is your greatest sense of duty to ask or to give? John D. Rockefeller, Jr.  realized that the duty to ask and  the duty to give were both important functions. He once remarked, “Never think you need to apologize for asking someone to give to a worthy object, any more than as though you were…

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Bigger than Gifts and Buildings By Gary G. Hoag

What Could be Bigger than Gifts and Buildings? Did you know that the Holy Week teachings of Jesus, which are often described as “the Olivet Discourse,” were prompted by some disciples who were celebrating the magnificence of the temple buildings and their elaborate decor fueled by donations? Ironically, this took place immediately after Jesus downplayed…

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Christmas Eve Reflection By Dr. Gary Hoag

Christmas Eve Reflection: New Testament Givers and Their Gifts On this Christmas Eve,  rather than focus on that new home entertainment system, the latest name brand clothing or the newest toys for girls and boys, I want to shift your gaze from this century to real gifts and the givers who presented them in the first century…

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Your Gift to the Next Generation By Andrea Buczynski

What’s your gift to the next generation of leaders? Every leader has something to offer the next generation. Two different colleagues come to mind, neither of who would say they develop others. The Vision Caster One, a superior vision caster and networker, put his thoughts together on casting vision in a short video. He then…

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Balancing Intuition and Strategy By Lee Ellis

Balancing the Gifts of Leadership Intuition and Strategy I’m observing an interesting leadership trend regarding intuition and strategy that deserves some deeper reflection. In our western culture, leaders are generally driven by data and metrics in daily decision-making. The other side of the leadership equation, though, is a leader’s abstract intuitive skills. Albert Einstein discovered…

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Lessons for Leaders: The Gift of Giving by Wayne Pederson

By Wayne Pederson I grew up poor and was brought up to be very frugal. I worked my way through university and seminary, skimping in food and clothes. Those habits became very ingrained in my life. Now that I’m a bit more financially secure, I’m trying to unlearn those habits and learning to be more…

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Acceptable Gifts Versus Effective Gifts

By Jeff Anderson Did you know there are two kinds of financial gifts? Recently I presented to non-profit leaders in Colorado Springs about two kinds of gifts: (1) acceptable gifts – these are gifts that please God (2) effective gifts – these are gifts that get the job done (get food to the hungry, clothes to the naked,…

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