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What You Should Know About the Changing Digital Landscape

By Gordon Marcy and Tami Heim With all the noise in today’s world, it is critical that ministry leaders know how to focus their time and attention before God. Those called to lead in such a time as this must discern how to embrace what God is making possible for leadership development and his service.…

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CLATV: Internet TV and Radio is Here!

Christian Leadership Alliance Announces: CLATV Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) is pleased to introduce its new multi-channel Internet TV & Radio eStation, CLATV. This new innovative learning experience has been designed to bring Christian leaders, like you, content that will educate, inform, and inspire your leadership journey. CLATV advances CLA’s mission to equip and unite leaders…

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Perpetually Connected By Gordon Marcy

In February, research and advisory firm Forrester Research released its “Mobile Trends for Marketers” and “Interactive Marketing Predictions” for 2013. These studies show more clearly than ever just how much Christian ministries must rapidly embrace technological change in order to reach their perpetually connected audiences. Connected TV is Here One area that this research highlighted is…

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A New Battle for Hearts, Minds and Global Redemption By Gordon Marcy

With the Internet becoming increasingly important for nearly everybody, I’m amazed that many Christian leaders and ministries are still reluctant to develop full-time online outreach. The Internet is not a fad. Usage continues to soar, and there’s no sign of slowing down. In 2013, over 2.7 billion people were using the Internet, representing 39% of…

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