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How To Steward 70 and Beyond By Jon Lewis

Caring for Your Life After 70 Last year I turned 70. It wasn’t as traumatic an event as I thought it might be—at first. But then I started getting questions like, “How are you enjoying life now that you are retired?” or “What are you doing now with all your free time?”  Honestly, I came…

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The Ten Commandments for Leadership By Jon Lewis

The Ten Commandments of Effective Ministry Leadership While attending a missions conference recently, the pastor of a church that has supported us for the past four decades shared an outstanding talk on principles of effective leadership. I can’t think of any better list of ways to assure a sustained healthy leadership role than by faithfully…

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Care for a Fallen World By Jon Lewis

What your response to a world that is fallen? How should we steward a world that is fallen? It’s one thing to preach Creation Care where there is blatant human abuse of the environment, such as water pollution, toxic emissions, or oil spills. But what does it mean to be a steward of our world…

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How to Number Our Days Aright By Jon Lewis

“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”  Psalm 90:12 It’s good to consider just what it means to number our days aright. How do we become a good steward of time. A couple of weeks ago, I celebrated my 70th birthday! On such a life milestone as…

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Stewarding our Daily Bread By Jon Lewis

Give us this day our daily bread. This tiny verse about our daily bread is tucked into the very middle of the Lord’s Prayer. It has been a great text passage for sermons on God’s faithful providence. But have you ever stopped to think how much this verse also teaches us about being a faithful…

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The End of Christendom By Jon Lewis

Stewarding the End of Christendom . . . Again Christendom, as my mission history textbook explains, was a part of history and a part of the world where nations pushed their political objectives simultaneously with the goal of Christian religious domination. Peaking during the 15th to 17th centuries when European colonial powers were advancing their…

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Unexpected Encounters By Jon Lewis

Stewarding Unexpected Encounters One of the key lessons I’ve been teaching in my Steward Leader seminars for African audiences is the importance of stewarding encounters and relationships with other people. I usually start out by highlighting what typically goes wrong in relating to others.  We either consider them as: means to our own ends, or…

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Practical Creation Care by Jon Lewis

Stewards of God’s Creation As leaders, we are stewards of God’s creation. We all have a role to play in caring for what he has provided. Small Matters Have you ever been in a hotel where room service keeps replacing the little soap bars and shampoo tubes every day no matter if you’ve used up…

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Gratitude by Jon Lewis

  Do you have an attitude of gratitude?   Sometimes it is challenging to find and keep an attitude of gratitude. Right after Christmas, my wife broke her leg in a skiing accident. Thanks to a novice snowboarder who ran into her on our first run down the mountain, my wife found herself with a…

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