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In the Beginning – Steward Partners By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Partners in stewardship was the original plan! Adam and Eve, male and female, were created together as stewards, not as solitary agents. Together, they create a model of true stewardship, which is a mutual, collaborative partnership. God’s calling of stewards in the Garden is not a singular, individual calling – it is communal, inclusive and…

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Mind and Heart By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Prayer for a Mind and Heart Surrendered “Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.  And being found in human…

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Prayer: The Practice of Stewardship By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

 How is prayer a practice of stewardship? When thinking about cultivating a deeper commitment to stewardship in life, often the practice of generosity directs growth and forward movement. Generosity does cultivate stewardship. Yet, the practice of generosity and selflessness is not enough. There is more for a steward’s daily life and practice. Generosity and hospitality…

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A Steward leader in the Storm by Andrea Leigh Capuyan

How does a steward leader encounter the storm? The storm is raging all around me, and it is raging in me. How can God remain so still? Is he sleeping and unaware? How am I supposed to continue steering this boat when the strong winds blow? Even in the midst of chaos, we remain stewards.…

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Soul Care By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Soul Care and The Steward Leader On any given Monday morning I often find myself sitting at my desk reviewing my calendar, preparing a report for the board, and prioritizing all the tasks for the week. But lately, my attention is shifting. The more I define and explore leadership through the lens of a steward,…

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God’s Call to Rest By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

God’s Call to Steward Leaders – Rest As leaders we easily can spend our days focused on growth, forward movement, flourishing – all good things, but for today I invite you to contemplate how God calls you to steward your life and work when you rest in His redemption. “It feels like taking a deep…

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One Thing We Own By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

The One Thing We Own – Our Mistakes As steward leaders, there is ONE thing we must OWN – our mistakes. UGH! Y’all, I blew it. Here we are. The team is gathered for our monthly meeting. The room is abuzz. The conversation is rich. The meeting’s goal is to provide an opportunity to foster…

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A Steward's Meditation By Andrea Capuyan

A Steward’s Meditation – Calibrating My Heart and Mind to The Master’s Voice As a steward my choice to pause and meditate allows me to continually calibrate my heart and mind to the Master’s voice. The spiritual practices of prayer, contemplation and reflection strengthen the bond of trust between me and God, my owner. Because…

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