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Check Your Pulse Through Solitude

By Dr. John R. Frank, OK, it almost the end of the Holiday Season, end of the calendar year, maybe the end of your fiscal year, and somewhat the end of activities for your family. Before you get ready to jump into the new year, new goals, new calendars, new challenges, and new stress, I…

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Woman Interrupted – A Leader's Story

By Patti Garibay In 1993, my life’s course changed, and I became a “woman interrupted.” God interrupted my life and called me to found a new organization for girls — the American Heritage Girls (AHG) — as a response to the major changes in direction of the Girl Scouts USA (GSUSA). His voice was clear…

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Lessons for Leaders: The Heart

By Wayne Pederson In our capitalistic society, much of one’s success or notoriety is based on performance.  If we do well, if we are successful, we are esteemed and valued. Even in the church, maybe especially in the church, our worth is often measured by performance.  How many attended?  How big is your budget?  How many…

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Lessons for Leaders: Accessibility

By Wayne Pederson When I first started in management, I bumped into our CEO.  For point of contact, I asked if I could stop by his office for a quick visit. He hesitated, squirmed and finally said he was totally booked for the next three months. I was kind of impressed with how busy he…

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A Steward Leader's Response to Bad News

By Dr. R. Scott Rodin I read a daily devotion by Charles Spurgeon and his entry for September 15th was deeply challenging. I have paraphrased it here specifically to address us as steward leaders, leaving his actual words in quotations. He shall not be afraid of evil tidings. ~Psalms 112:7  As steward leaders, we must not…

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The Only Applause That Matters

By Dr. R. Scott Rodin A bookmark of mine carries a thought that has stayed with me throughout my years in leadership. It reads, “It doesn’t matter if the world knows, or sees or understands, the only applause we are meant to seek is that of nail-scarred hands.”  Leaders are exposed to opportunities to generate applause. …

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The Stamp of Approval

An Interview by Laura Leonard for Outcomes Magazine As president of ECFA, Dan Busby is out to help churches and Christ-centered organizations operate with sound financial practices. ECFA offers accreditation for organizations that meet the ECFA   standards. Outcomes spoke with Busby about the importance of wise financial stewardship for Christian ministries. How does accreditation with…

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The Significance of Your Influence

Israel L. Gaither If you are a leader who is serious about making a difference in your role, I suggest you consider the why of the responsibility you have been privileged to engage in. As a believer, you are gifted with a task that is too noble to describe merely as a profession. You are…

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Turbo-Powered Finance

By Mark Tjernagel “Wow! I am not used to that kind of acceleration and power … ,” I muttered to myself in my empty rental car on a recent business trip. My “sports car” rental provided a much different driving experience than my four-cylinder economy car back home. Normally, when I step on the gas…

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How Well Are You Stewarding You? By Dr. John Franks

The Importance of Stewarding You I have been working with nonprofit ministries for 35 years.  In the past 4-5 years I have done more soul searching and self-examination than the previous 30 years combined. I guess we get that way as we get older.  But in addition to age I had to ask myself- am…

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