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Are You Leading from the ‘Right-side’ Up? By Scott Rodin

The more I read, study and write about the steward leader, the more often I find myself scratching my head and saying, “really?” This is pretty radical stuff. And as such, the more we seek to embrace the call to be steward leaders fully, the more we will be considered rather strange people.  That’s because,…

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Leading Gen Y and The Lessons Learned By Holly Moore

Several weeks ago, I watched our young staff at Growing Leaders — the nonprofit organization I help lead — host a significant event for educators. It was rewarding to see them embody our core values, serving with excellence. I smiled inside, reflecting on learning to lead them and modeling the way. Investing in the college…

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Authentically Reflecting Jesus By Phyllis Hendry Halverson

I don’t know about you, but my heart is racing to think about reflecting Jesus. And at this minute, I am running to the Father just as Jesus did. It’s the only way. We can’t do this on our own. Jesus modeled a connection to the Father perfectly. Scripture shares how Jesus connected to the…

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Weekend Words of Wisdom #9

Go Deep As I think of my own life and the counsel I would give to younger leaders, one foundational issue rises above all others – be a man or woman who goes deep in the word of God regularly and persistently. This practice goes far beyond formal training. it is marked by the study…

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Weekend Words of Wisdom #5

The Value of Self-awareness Leading people is complex, invigorating, and unusually humbling. For this reason, it is vital that a leader clearly understands his or her strengths, as well as areas for improvement. Here are five questions I have found especially helpful in my own developmental journey: Am I truly committed to lifelong learning? Do…

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Set Free to Lead By Dr. R. Scott Rodin

For 40 years, my family and I have fished for salmon out of a tiny resort town in northwestern Washington. For about half of those years, we rented a small kicker boat from one of the local marinas. It was always stable, clean, in good repair, and equipped with a reliable, fueled outboard motor. The…

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