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Talking Leadership with Tom Beck from Compassion Interntional

Talking Leadership and Gaining Wisdom Christian Leadership Alliance President and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Tom Beck, Senior Vice President for Global Human Resources at Compassion International. Tom has a heart for impoverished children and a strong belief in the transformative power of the church. As a consultant, he helped a variety of global para…

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Focus on Faithfulness By Larry Gadbaugh

  What does faithfulness look like in this season? This question about faithfulness has become an essential in my pursuit of being a good steward of my calling.  Discerning the answer to this question helps me gain direction during the most challenging and uncertain periods of leading our organization. As the new CEO of First…

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You’ve Got to Want It By Phyllis Hendry Halverson

How hard will you pursue what you really want?   “You’ve got to REALLY want it!” he shouted. “GET THE BALL!” I was pretty frustrated with this father, who had been shouting this same mantra to his daughter throughout the game. As these seventh-grade girls struggled, the intensity of his “encouragement” elevated. However, I understood…

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A Strong Spiritual Life By Braden Douglas

8 Qualities of a Strong Spiritual Life How do you tell the difference between right and wrong? The answer is your spiritual life, which encompasses everything you believe in and value. You don’t need to be a religious person in order to have an impact on the world, but you do need a strong moral…

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Reflecting Jesus By Phyllis Hendry Halverson

Reflecting Jesus in the Moment-to-Moment I don’t know about you, but my heart is racing to think about reflecting Jesus. And at this minute, I am running to the Father just as Jesus did. It’s the only way. We can’t do this on our own. Jesus modeled connection to the Father perfectly. Scripture shares how…

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The End of Christendom By Jon Lewis

Stewarding the End of Christendom . . . Again Christendom, as my mission history textbook explains, was a part of history and a part of the world where nations pushed their political objectives simultaneously with the goal of Christian religious domination. Peaking during the 15th to 17th centuries when European colonial powers were advancing their…

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Special Employee Health Care By Ginger Hill

Employee Health Care for Mental and Emotional Health Struggles The rise of mental and emotional health struggles  have been well documented during this pandemic period. In fact, in my corner of the world, the county coroner recently issued a dire warning about the upcoming fall and winter season based on concerns about a 23% increase…

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Calibrate Your Heart and Mind By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Learn to Calibrate Heart and Mind to The Master’s Voice As a steward my choice to pause and meditate allows me to continually calibrate my heart and mind to the Master’s voice. The spiritual practices of prayer, contemplation and reflection strengthen the bond of trust between me and God, my owner. Because when I pause…

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The Blessing for Those Who Mourn By Mark L. Vincent

Claim the Blessing for Those Who Mourn   Today I claim the blessing for those of us who mourn, that we might be comforted. Watching a news report the day after Barack Obama’s first-term inauguration, I heard a fashion critic commenting on the choices of Michelle and daughters as they dressed for the inauguration and the…

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Stewarding Family Relationships By Zenet Maramara

The Gift of Family Relationships All of a sudden, we find ourselves thrown together and experience different family dynamics at work. In this time of the Covid 19 quarantine, we are forced to stay with each at home. Some are learning how to relate anew with spouse, children, and other relatives. I like to offer…

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