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Outcomes Conference 24 Highlight: Spirit-Filled Experience Guides

Experience Guides Make Space for God to Work Conference Experience Guides make a difference! Tomorrow, April 9, the Christian Leadership Alliance community convenes for the 48th Outcomes Conference in Jacksonville, Florida. Christian nonprofit professionals across the country will gather to experience professional development, collaborative community, inspiration, and encouragement and to learn how to lead in…

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On Being a Loving Leader By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Becoming a Loving Leader is Our Greatest Challenge With Jesus’ command to love God and to love others, the focus of a leader’s attention and interest changes. The best leader is not simply a strategic thinker or visionary; they are a loving leader. They move toward others to see them for who they are. They…

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Outcomes Conference 24 Highlight: Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.

Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. Returns to the Outcomes Conference Mainstage! Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. has been preaching the Good News since becoming licensed as a minister in 1973 at the age of 15. From an early age, he developed a love of the Lord and felt called to share the gospel of Jesus…

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Outcomes Conference Mainstage Highlight: Creating a Culture of Encouragement

Outcomes Conference Mainstage Panel Discussion on Shaping Culture During Wednesday afternoon’s Outcomes Conference mainstage session, Ed Fry, founder and president of FaithSearch Partners, is facilitating a vital panel discussion on how Christian leaders shape and create a culture of encouragement. Ed will be teamed up with Elaine Welcome, SVP Christian Media at FaithSearch Partners. Together,…

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Outcome Conference 24 Highlight: Dr. Rob McKenna

Dr. Rob McKenna Brings a WiLD Conversation to the Outcomes Mainstage Dr. Rob McKenna, the founder of WiLD Leaders, graces the Mainstage at the Outcomes Conference 2024. He will inspire conversation and community by bringing his infamous WiLD Conversations to life for over 1,000 leaders. Typically hosting these conversations on Fridays with an online community,…

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Bringing It All Together By Dr. Brian S. Simmons

Steward Leadership, Work, and Life Calling Come Together During seasons of rest from work, it is essential to reflect and bring what matters most all together. Even God rested from His work of creation! Human beings, created in God’s image, find meaning and purpose in work. And, like God, it is important to rest from…

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Intentional Relationships By Dr. Al Hearne II

The Steward Leader Builds Intentional Relationships What happens when the steward leader’s life becomes so challenging that they cannot fulfill their responsibilities or build relationships? “We own nothing. God owns everything; we are simply managers.” Boa (2005) The Bible says, ‘You may say to yourself, ‘My power and the strength of my hands have produced…

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Fight the Fretting Fad By Jon Lewis

The Truth About Fretting Few things undermine a leader’s effectiveness more than FRETTING! Yet the state of being bothered, worried, or anxious seems to increase as we are bombarded increasingly with news and personal situations that directly impact our moral sensibilities. Not only has there been an escalation of incredibly troubling world events, but it…

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Reputation as Idol by Alec Hill

The Dangers of Focusing on Reputation Abraham Lincoln once wrote: “Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” Lincoln is saying two things. First, Character matters, and we should diligently seek to cultivate it. Second, reputation is derivative and…

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