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Restructure Your Development Department By John Curtiss

Know when it’s time to restructure and make changes. With almost any Christian organization, a review of structure and operations of the development function should be considered from time to time. As part of the natural growth and maturing, many organizations may find themselves facing the need to undergo a complete restructuring of their development…

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Transformational Leadership By Monty McNair and Kirk Mallette

The Four Basic Components of Transformational Leadership While Paul wrote of spiritual transformation 2,000 years ago, the conception of Transformational Leadership Theory is fairly new. James MacGregor Burns first brought the concept of transformational leadership to prominence in his book Leadership (Harper Torchbooks, 1978). Originally this was in the context of his research into political…

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Trusting God's Plan By Doug Mazza

Trusting God and Pursuing Boldly Our Calling as Christian Leaders This is a true story, the best kind. It’s a story of God’s faithfulness and his reality. It’s a story about a lesson learned in the most practical of ways for the best of purposes; trusting God with his plan. Nineteen years ago this week,…

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Generational Diverisity By Arthur L. Satterwhite III

 Tapping the Hidden Power of Generational Diversity At  The Outcomes Conference 2018 this week, Arthur Satterwhite III and Dr. Kathleen Patterson, Director of the Doctorate of Strategic Leadership Program at Regent University, are teaching a workshop called, #InnovateorDie. They are covering the current leadership issues that are challenging norms and strategies, making the usual ineffective…

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A Leader's Shadow By W. Scott Brown

A Leader’s Shadow Can Create Life-Giving Cultures Like a cloud passing dramatically over a mountain valley, a leader’s character casts a profound shadow on the culture of the organization he or she serves. Leaders with positive and lasting cultural influence follow the Apostle Paul’s admonition: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in…

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Filling the Gaps By Alex McElroy

Filling In The Gaps: Leaders Become Strong By Addressing Their Weaknesses A group of suppliers was given a tour of a mental hospital. One of the visitors in the group made some very insensitive and insulting remarks about the patients. After the tour was completed, the visitors were introduced and met with various members of…

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The Story that Connects by Jamie Janosz and Pete Distler

Telling the Old, Old Story in a Digital World Today, you have an important story to tell. Yet, when confronted with media clutter and useless digital meandering on mobile devices, you may ask, “How can our story, God’s story, connect with those who need to hear it most?” While some fundraisers and marketers are tasked…

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An Interview with James Ackerman

An Interview with James Ackerman, CEO of Prison Fellowship Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) President and CEO, Tami Heim, recently interviewed Prison Fellowship President and CEO James Ackerman. Prison Fellowship seeks to restore hope and share God’s redeeming grace with prisoners and their families around the world. Prior to becoming Prison Fellowship’s president and CEO in…

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Authenticity Matters By Holly Moore

Authenticity is Built on Trust By Holly Moore ~ The leaders who impacted me the most, early in my career, led with authenticity. I was open to their influence because the relationship was built on trust and open communication. Now, I am trying to emulate their example and continue to grow in my ability to…

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Momentum Five: Suffering By Kay Arthur

Momentum: Suffering for Christ’s Sake By Kay Arthur ~ According to Philippians 1:27–30, suffering for Christ’s sake is a gift that comes with salvation. When we bear it well, it gives incredible momentum to the gospel. Read Acts 8 through Acts 28 and note references to various difficulties encountered by those who faithfully persevere. Linger…

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