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Mission True: Talking Leadership with Peter Greer

An interview with Peter K. Greer CLA president and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Peter Greer, president and CEO of HOPE International. HOPE International is a network of microfinance institutions and savings and credit associations operating in 17 nations worldwide. HOPE empowers men, women, and families to break cycles of physical and spiritual poverty through discipleship,…

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Boards and Fundraising: 4 Keys

By Ron Haas When Warren Buffet purchases a company, he requires his new managers to purchase stock. He believes that executives with “skin in the game” make better decisions. Buffet is unknowingly expressing a biblical truth, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Luke 12:34). Board members who don’t give show that their…

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Turbo-Powered Finance

By Mark Tjernagel “Wow! I am not used to that kind of acceleration and power … ,” I muttered to myself in my empty rental car on a recent business trip. My “sports car” rental provided a much different driving experience than my four-cylinder economy car back home. Normally, when I step on the gas…

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The Generosity Boom

By Kn Moy When it comes to giving generously, not a lot has changed in the past century. For example, according to John and Sylvia Ronsvalle in The State of Church Giving through 2011 (23rd edition, 2013) in 1921, for every $100 earned, the typical Christian in the U.S. gave away $2.90. In 2011, for every $100…

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Catalytic Board Change

By Dr. Sid Webb If you, as a CEO or board member, want to change your board, you have to first ask, “What needs to change, and why?” Ministry leaders should frequently ask the missional question: “Why?” By so doing they will infuse their organizations with kingdom outcome-oriented thinking, which is good stewardship. Anything that…

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An Interview with Rich Stearns

CLA President and CEO Tami Heim, interviewed Rich Stearns, president and CEO of World Vision, U.S. Driven by his passion to raise awareness and support for poverty and justice issues, Stearns authored The Hole in Our Gospel (Thomas Nelson, 2010), Unfinished (Thomas Nelson, 2013), and a new 90-day devotional book co-authored with his wife Renee’ — He Walks Among Us (Thomas Nelson,…

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Thoughts on Authentic Leadership By Jennie Catron

Learning from a Life Well Lived Last year, I was honored to serve for a day with Missionaries of Charity, the organization Mother Teresa founded in Kolkata, India.  While I expected that day to reconnect my heart with the privilege of serving the fallen and forgotten of our world, I was not prepared for the…

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Thoughts on Authentic Leadership By Holly Moore

Authenticity is Built on Trust The leaders who impacted me the most early in my career led authentically. I was open to their influence because the relationship was built on trust and open communication. Now, I am trying to emulate their example and continue to grow in my ability to lead authentically. It makes or…

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