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Legacy By Dr. Brian S. Simmons

The Legacy of a Steward Leader What does Scripture say about the legacy of a steward leader? “How joyful are those who fear the Lord and delight in obeying His commands.  Their children will be successful everywhere.  An entire generation of godly people will be blessed.  They, themselves, will be wealthy, and their good deeds…

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The Danger of Control By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Don’t Let Control Get You in a Choke Hold At some point, the transformation of a steward leader includes facing one’s demand for control and micromanagement. The wrestle for control is the essential challenge. Embracing our identity as faithful stewards begins by acknowledging that we serve on another’s behalf. I’ve found that the desire for…

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3 Obstacles That May Be Holding You Back By Dr. Steve A. Brown

Discover How to Overcome What’s Holding You Back So, what is holding you back? Elite runners regularly ask themselves this question. They watch endless videos to catch any movement that might be slowing them down. They seek out lighter running shoes and even sleep in oxygen tents to gain a tiny edge. When I reflect…

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The Challenge We Share By R. Scott Rodin

The Common Challenges of Every Leader It may seem presumptuous to propose that there is one challenge to leadership that is so universally experienced that it is consistently at the top of the list of reasons leaders struggle and fail. But a recent experience has moved me deeply and convinced me that there may be…

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The Path to Leadership Failure By R. Scott Rodin

Time to Assess if You Are on the Path to Failure Every day, we hear stories of leadership failure. Some are national in scope, some regional, some in our own communities. Whether it’s a moral failing, an ethical compromise, poor decision making or just pure burnout, it’s likely each of you reading this blog is…

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Wonder By Alec Hill

We all need wonder in our lives. Wonder makes us gasp, causing us to say, “oh my.” It may be experienced while walking on a shoreline, watching a newborn enter the world, or listening to incredible music.   As ministry leaders, we sense wonder when our mission is fleshed out before our eyes. This may…

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Physical and Spiritual Fitness By Dr. Bob Snyder

Physical and Spiritual Fitness Strengthens You I enjoy the disciplines of fitness and physical exercise because it fits my “to-do list” mentality. Yet, when I apply this same mentality to my spiritual life I often fall short. For instance, reading through my Bible in a year does not necessarily produce growth. Yielding to the work…

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GPS: God’s Protection System By Jay Cordova

GPS: God’s Protection System for YOU Like many, I find it difficult to drive without a GPS, but despite having this tool, I still find myself distracted by my surroundings, my four kids in backseat, or incoming calls (hands-free of course). While I have the roadmap provided for me, I still tend to lose track…

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Creating a Sabbath Culture By Alec Hill

Five Practical Ways to Create a Sabbath Culture Creating a Sabbath culture leads to transformation. When I joined InterVarsity, I was overwhelmed by the piety of my fellow staff. They prayed diligently, studied scripture fervently, and took solitude retreats regularly. But there was one area that was seriously amiss – an almost cavalier disregard of…

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Embracing Simplicity By Randy Hain

Learn How to Embrace Simplicity “There is no greatness where there is not simplicity, goodness, and truth.” – Leo Tolstoy Do you ever feel overwhelmed with all the stress, responsibilities, and challenges in your daily life? If I am honest with myself, the times I feel most anxious or stressed are usually caused by my…

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