Posts Tagged ‘pride’
Stewards Reject Pride By Howard Rich
The Danger of Pride in Leadership is Real Pride and a need to control presents itself at an early age in our lives. As children, we likely played a game called follow-the-leader, where the leader does things that the rest of the group must mimic. The main objective is to trip up those following the…
Read MoreHow to Beat Pride in Giving By John Rinehart
5 Ways to Beat Pride in Giving In scripture we often see the contract between pride and humility. Someday in the hallways of heaven, I believe Nebuchadnezzar and Mary will meet. The man who built Babylon and its famous hanging gardens will run into the woman spoken of across millennia as “a virgin pledged to…
Read MorePride in Leadership By W. Scott Brown
Pride in Leadership: The world’s perspective or God’s perspective? Pride is an ever-present temptation for leaders. In the world’s eyes pride in leadership may actually seem beneficial. Today, prideful leaders are often celebrated because they seem “successful.” By mere force of their seemingly self-assured personalities, they shake up the status quo and make change…
Read MoreSteward Leaders Reject Pride By Howard Rich
As children, we likely played a game called follow-the-leader, where the leader does things that the rest of the group must mimic. The main objective is to trip up those following the leader by doing things in such a complicated manner that those in the group will find it impossible to follow. As players are…
Read MoreMissing God’s Intent By R. Scott Rodin
What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun? All their days their work is grief and pain; even at night their minds do not rest. This too is meaningless. A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own…
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