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What Are We Raising? By Steve Cummings

What are we raising, anyway? by Steve Cummings ~ I cringe every time I see or hear the word “fundraising” in Christian circles. That’s not what I do. Anyone can fund-raise, ask for money, get a donor to write a check or twist a few arms along the way to get a major gift, complete…

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Digital Donor Acquisition By Lindsey Lind and Carol Patterson

Digital Donor Acquisition – It Matters! By Lindsey Lind  and Carol Patterson ~ Many nonprofits expect to lose over 60% of their first time donors. For many of us, this statement is a frightening reality of our role within development. Ultimately, God has everything under His control and it’s through His plan that the dollars…

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Three Lessons for Steward Leaders by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D.

by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. ~ What should we say to constituents when the ministry we serve has financial needs? Recently a ministry leader emailed me and asked for advice before sending a message to board members and ministry supporters. While I will keep the identity of this steward leader confidential, I want to share…

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Donor Fatigue? by Dr. Zenet Maramara

By Dr. Zenet Maramara That God owns everything and that we are only stewards of all resources is a biblical truth which Christians believe, but not as popularly practiced.  I teach my fundraising-students that these two basic principles of divine ownership and human stewardship should guide their ministry. To believe that God is the owner…

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15 Workshops to Expand Your Fundraising Expertise

For many nonprofit organizations, raising financial support in such a time as this is essential if life changing ministry goals are to be met. At The Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2015, you will find 15 workshops designed to expand your fundraising expertise. High-profile consultants, well-known professionals, and diverse ministry practitioners, that have a history of…

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Watch Your Language by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D.

by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. Almost daily in December my mailbox received a stack of direct mail appeals inviting us to participate with various ministries in their work through giving. One evening my wife neatly left a stack of them for me on the counter. The assortment included organizations we have supported and others that…

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Give No More! by Wes Willmer

By Wes Willmer Imagine with me, one day you come home and start leafing through your mail – sorting the personal letters from the bills and the appeals- when your eye catches an envelope teaser that says, “Give No More.”  Intrigued, you open this appeal to find a short letter which states, “All our needs…

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8 Postures of a Steward Leader by Mark L. Vincent

  Faithfulness is one of the foundations for an effective resource-raising program. I’ve often summarized the faithful life of the steward as Generous God, Generous Life. On more than one occasion, when speaking on the subject, I’ve created a picture of how this is lived by kneeling with raised arms. This posture of the steward…

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The Power of Prayer in Kingdom Fundraising

By Jim Loscheider Years ago, one of my mentors shared a powerful concept that resonates with me to this day. He said, “the glory of God is our highest priority and prayer is our first work.”  Of course!  Everyone who’s been transformed by Christ will eventually discover that God owns it all, and we are simply…

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A Kingdom Path Perspective: Encouraging Major Gifts

By Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. Years ago I attended a training session on “securing major gifts” for the ministry I served. The seminar shared tips for getting large gifts, and the presenters testified that if I followed their advice, I would reach my funding goals. The instructors said things like “it’s all about relationships” and…

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