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Humility and the Steward Leader By Dr. Marybeth Leavell

“Humility is simply the proper assessment of who we are in relationship to God.” ~ Charles Spurgeon A favorite saying of mine is, “One of the leadership traits that I am most proud of is my humility!” Even though this is laughable, it may seem like an unlikely trait for leaders in our culture, who…

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Reset Your Rhythms By Gary G. Hoag

Seven Ways to Reset Your Rhythms in 2021   I want to invite you to join me in resetting your rhythms in 2021. Let me explain. God often gives diligent stewards bigger roles with greater responsibilities. Perhaps you can relate? And, I don’t know about you, but with COVID it seemed like everything multiplied exponentially.…

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Showcase Friday: Resource Development

Showcase Friday: Resource Development Consultants & Services   This week, the  Christian Leadership Alliance showcase series focuses on experts in the areas of resource development and fundraising! Next Friday, we will continue a focus on Resource Development and showcase those who specialize in technology that makes giving easy! Now remember, for the rest of the Fridays…

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It Is The Veteran

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. ~ John 15:13 Millions of men and women have died, been wounded or gone missing for the safety and freedom of America. On this Veteran’s Day we remember their commitment and unselfish service. We praise God for their faithfulness and…

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