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Stewardship and Servanthood By Kent R. Wilson

Stewardship and servanthood seem to go hand in hand: you can’t have one without the other. By Kent R. Wilson, PhD ~ There is great privilege and blessing in being a steward leader of a nonprofit organization. We are entrusted with significant organizational resources to manage and steward, and are allowed to exercise our leadership…

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Give No More By Wes Willmer

How do you know when it is time to give no more? By Wes Willmer ~ Imagine with me, one day you come home and start leafing through your mail – sorting the personal letters from the bills and the appeals- when your eye catches an envelope teaser that says, “Give No More.”  Intrigued, you…

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An Urgent Plea By Scott Rodin

An Urgent Plea to Christian Leaders By Scott Rodin ~ The music is getting louder. In the third chapter of the book of Daniel, three men stood in the midst of a cultural collision. The society in which they lived and served was demanding allegiance to a set of values that directly conflicted with those…

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What You Pass On By Mark A. Trewitt

What you pass on – perspectives on generosity. By Mark A. Trewitt ~ While attending the National Christian Foundation’s Impact meeting in Dallas, I had the privilege and honor of meeting one of the speakers, Christian author Randy Alcorn. Randy is prolific in his writings, with over forty books to his credit, with a significant…

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What Are We Raising? By Steve Cummings

What are we raising, anyway? by Steve Cummings ~ I cringe every time I see or hear the word “fundraising” in Christian circles. That’s not what I do. Anyone can fund-raise, ask for money, get a donor to write a check or twist a few arms along the way to get a major gift, complete…

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Intentionality By Mike Bonem

What happens when a leader shifts from wishful thinking to intentionality? By Mike Bonem~ “I’m looking forward to a season when I’m not dealing with personnel issues.” Those words, spoken by the executive pastor of a large church, still ring in my ears, even though that was years ago. I also remember my response: “This…

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Your Favorite Bible Verse By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

What’s your favorite Bible verse on stewardship? By Dr. Gary G. Hoag Recently I was asked to write a reflection of about 150 words about a favorite Bible verse that has been formative in my personal Christian stewardship and generosity journey. Here was my reply. “As a biblical scholar who helped review the content of…

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What Makes Steward Leadership Unique By Kent R. Wilson

What Makes Steward Leadership Unique By Kent R. Wilson, PhD~ Steward leadership isn’t just a new name for other traditional approaches to leading the for-profit or nonprofit organization. And it isn’t just a slight variation of servant leadership. It is unique approach to leading that is one of the oldest biblical models as well as…

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Budgeting Insights from the Early Church by Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Four Church Budgeting Insights from the Early Church By Dr. Gary G. Hoag ~ God cares about the faithful handling of church finances and so does the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). I am privileged to serve on an ECFA Advisory Committee offering counsel linked to the development of financial literacy resources for churches.…

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The Ethical Steward By Howard Rich

By Howard Rich ~ I recall listening to a lecture on the ethical steward in leadership by the late Howard Hendricks, a former professor at Dallas Theological Seminary. He spoke of his participation in a symposium at the Center for Creative Leadership, where it was determined the number one need in business leadership is ethics.…

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