Posts Tagged ‘thank you’
The Gift of Gratitude By Dr. Bob Snyder
Recovering Childlike Gratitude Where has my thankfulness for the simple gifts of life gone? Where is my childlike gratitude? As I have “matured,” a mindset of entitlement has emerged, diminishing my appreciation. Am I capable of a childlike thankful heart anymore? When we were in South Africa, my wife visited an orphanage. Her descriptions and…
Read MoreThe Importance of Thank You By Douglas Shaw
Rule #36: Saying Thank you to donors is necessary and profitable Saying thank you – it sounds so simple, right? There’s a great Wallace Shawn line from the classic movie, The Princess Bride, that always come to mind whenever I hear the annual poll results of donors’ top two giving complaints: (1) not being thanked…
Read MoreThe Gift and Gratitude By Ryan Stillwater
There’s Power Between the Gift and Gratitude At my childhood birthday parties, my anxious fingers longed for that table of gifts. My mother, on the other hand, would usually be taking diligent notes: What was I given? Who was it from? And she always had a stack of blank thank-you cards ready for me when…
Read MoreGratitude Boosts Donor Retention By Jonathan Steck
Gratitude Boosts Donor Retention and Commitment With donor retention numbers dropping across our sector, I decided to reach out to a circle of my friends to learn their experiences about why they give. I asked each of them the same question, hoping their answers would help me understand why donors give financially and more importantly,…
Read MoreThe Three Phrases Great Leaders Use by Jeremy Kingsley
By Jeremy Kingsley Here are some phrases that can pose difficulties to many of us when our ego gets in the way. Great leaders, however, understand their importance and master them early on. 1. “I was wrong” Whether you’ve made an outright error or had a failure of judgment, there are few things more difficult…
Read MoreWeekend Words of Wisdom #8
Encourage the Heart Without encouragement and celebration, leaders would be missing the critical relationship with their followers. An encouraging word, a visit, or notes of support or recognition are all tools of a leader who desires a transformational relationship with his or her followers. Celebrations are important and an essential ingredient to organizational health. However,…
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