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Outcomes Conference 24 Highlight: Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.

Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. Returns to the Outcomes Conference Mainstage! Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. has been preaching the Good News since becoming licensed as a minister in 1973 at the age of 15. From an early age, he developed a love of the Lord and felt called to share the gospel of Jesus…

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Jesus and His Team of Twelve By Donna Bostick

Learning to Build and Lead a Team Like Jesus Jesus was a master at recruiting, building, and leading a team. We can learn many lessons from his life, and leadership is undoubtedly among them. He made himself the ultimate example and set the pace so they could lean, listen, do, and follow. Here is a…

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The Narrow Road By Dr. Bob Snyder

The Narrow Road Leads to Life Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:13,14, NLT When I bite into an…

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Unlock the Power of Your Team By Pamela Westbrooks

It’s Time to Strengthen and Empower Your Team While the word team does not appear in the Bible, the Word of God contains much information about working together! We see a team created when someone accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior. Stronger Together In 1st Corinthians 12:17-28, Paul uses a brilliant illustration about the…

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Therefore and More By Michael Kelley

Understanding the Significance of Therefore in Scripture The link between an indicative statement of fact and an imperative statement of response is “therefore.” You find it all over the Bible. How it works Indicatives are facts. They are realities. And in the Bible, they are firm and secure because the Bible is the unchanging Word…

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4 Strategies to Cope with Conflict By Marilyn L. Donnellan

How to Change a Culture of Conflict Conflict has become the acceptable norm in our lives, not just in the Middle East but also in our personal lives, churches, and businesses. Regardless of where the conflict is coming from, four strategies will help you cope. #1: Discover the Source of the Conflict Where is it…

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Dying to Lead By Dr. Rob McKenna

The Decision to Lead Like Christ It’s tough when you lead to selling an idea that suggests outcomes don’t come first, that the survival of your organization isn’t priority number one, and that preservation, profitability, meaning, self-actualization, happiness, confidence, and results aren’t the point. That’s a tough sell. If the concept of sacrificing yourself as…

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The Power of Organizational Alignment By Elaine Welcome

Organizational Alignment Drives Success A vital factor in achieving organizational alignment is ensuring that individual employee and leadership goals align with the overall organizational goals. This alignment serves as a critical driver for success. Let’s explore the significance and benefits of goal alignment to drive organizational success. Organizations can create a harmonious and motivated workforce…

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The Myth of Normal By Dr. Mark L. Vincent

What We Need to Know About Normal and Disciplined Thinking We can’t return to a new normal if we never left it. If leaders can (re)learn anything on this side of Pandemic Time, as Palestinians and Israelis murder each other, the threat of another war in Kosovo, and yet another deadly earthquake in Afghanistan, it is that the…

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