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Legacy or The Long Play? By Rob McKenna

Which is it for You, Legacy or the Long Play? If I told you that much of your impact on others may not be realized for five, ten, or even twenty years, what would you think? I just finished watching a movie about Robert the Bruce, King of Scots. His story has some personal meaning…

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Nonprofit Liability By Josh Chumley

Is Your Nonprofit Prepared for this Liability? Leaders of Christian ministries have begun to face more pressure from the culture these days. And the pressure is becoming more acute, especially when it comes to legal threats. Those who are in ministry can sometimes feel overwhelmed at assessing risks to the ministry. Beyond the ordinary legal…

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Live Out Generosity By Cindy Finley

  The Seven “Cs: to Help You Live Out Generosity The season of generosity is upon us! And many of you know the statistics: Nearly one-third of all giving occurs in December. 28% of nonprofits raise between 26 and 50% of their annual funds between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. 12% of all giving happens…

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Financial Stewardship By Dr. Sid Yeomans

Why should Christ-Centered leaders care about financial stewardship? I’m a stewardship nut. It’s God’s call on my life. 40 years ago as a kid growing up on a farm in Iowa I purchased, raised, and sold cattle, budgeted my earnings, and found joy in the impact of generosity.  Then I went on to serve in…

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Time to Let Go By Carmen LaBerge

Knowing and Accepting When It’s Time to Let Go It was time to let go and the Board chair solemnly referenced Philippians 3:12, “in order to take hold of new things, we have to let go. It’s time to vote to dissolve.” Letting go of programs that worked in the past is difficult. Letting go…

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Next Generation Impact by Peter Low

To the Next Generation of Kingdom Builders Next generation, when you were young, you dreamed of the impact that you would have. The battles you would overcome, the triumphs to be celebrated, the inspiration you would provide. The legacy you would leave. You were fueled with the deep-down knowledge, that you (specifically you), had a…

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Biblical Governance by Dr. Gary Hoag

What does the Bible say about Board Governance?  Interestingly, it says more than you might think about governance. Four councils appear in the biblical record. They offer insight for how to think about governance and how not to think about it. Two of them exhibit exemplary traits, while the other two present patterns to avoid.…

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Choosing Your Next CRM Platform by Amy Sewell

Four Things to Consider When Choosing Your Next CRM Platform Selecting a new Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) platform is a critically important task and one that can have various levels of complexity. There is a large amount of information to be learned and implemented, and considerations should be given to how the platform impacts the…

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Why is budgeting important? By Greg Henson

Why is budgeting important for Christians?   If you want a snapshot of where you are in your walk with Christ, pull out your budget and walk through it with a spiritual director, your pastor, and a fellow Christian who is not part of your family together, at the same time, in the same room.…

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Redefining Successful By Rich Haynie

Will you contemplate and adjust to a new definition of successful? Some years ago as the president of our organization and I were boarding the aircraft, he posed this question: “Rich, how do we know when we are successful?”  In context, he was referring to the donor visits we were making on this particular trip. …

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