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The Rest of God by W. Scott Brown

“Return to your rest, my soul, for the LORD has been good to you.” ~Psalm 116:7 By W. Scott Brown ~ Is your soul at rest? In a world experiencing turmoil and uncertainty do you exude Christlike peace? Have you experienced the rest of God? Nothing speaks more powerfully to those we lead, or impacts more profoundly today’s restless…

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Milestones Matter by Suzy West

  I believe milestones matter, but have you ever wondered why we reflect most intensely on our lives when we hit an anniversary date divisible by 5?  I am celebrating my 15th anniversary working at Christian Leadership Alliance and have been experiencing many emotions as I consider these past 180 months – 780 weeks – …

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Profile: The Salvation Army by Lt. Colonel Ron Busroe

This week Christian Leadership Alliance presents a ministry profile: The Salvation Army. We give thanks for their faithfulness and 150 years of doing the most good…well. By Lt. Colonel Ron Busroe ~ “Darkest England,” were the words General William Booth, The Salvation Army’s founder, aptly used to describe the London to which his Christian ministry…

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Pattern Maker by R. Scott Rodin

By R. Scott Rodin – Today we explore the steward leader as pattern maker. Steward leaders must understand the significant impact they have on their organizational culture. To help us think about that impact consider the concept of fractals. Fractals are complex structures that originate in simplicity. One example is a fern, which appears to…

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Leaders Investing in Leaders

In 2016, Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) celebrates 40 years of leaders investing in leaders.  It all began on March 20, 1976, when a group of 20 people met for the first time in a small meeting room inside the old Rodger Young Auditorium in Los Angeles. The founders of this gathering identified a true felt…

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Creativity Is A Process by Brad Lomenick

By Brad Lomenick~ Ever heard of Dick Fosbury? He changed the trajectory of an entire sport with his new and creative way to high-jump, appropriately titled the “Fosbury Flop,” still in vogue today. Innovation has changed the music industry, moving from records to cassettes to CDs and now digital downloads. The iPhone and iPad changed…

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Seven Steps to Improve Outcomes by Mark Forshaw

By Mark Forshaw ~ Today we are going to learn from a case study and review the seven steps to improve outcomes in your ministry. To better monitor and create clearer metrics for its mission, American Bible Society, in 2006, launched a pioneering research group called Global Scripture Impact. This team of international and domestic…

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Christian Influence: An Interview with Dr. Gregory Alan Thornbury

CLA President and CEO Tami Heim interviewed Gregory Alan Thornbury, Ph.D., president of The King’s College in New York City. Thornbury previously served as professor of philosophy, dean of the school of theology and vice president for spiritual life at Union University. He is the author of Recovering Classic Evangelicalism: Applying the Wisdom and Vision of…

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Perspectives: Past. Present. Future.

In 2016 Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) celebrates 40 years of equipping and uniting leaders to transform the world for Christ. The theme of the Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2016 is “Perspectives.” That perspective is about where we as Christian leaders and organizations have journeyed together these past 40 years, how we embrace this moment in…

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The Effectiveness of a Humble Leader by Jeremy Kingsley

By Jeremy Kingsley I suspect that the biggest factor, however, is a growing awareness that it works—and that it leaves everyone involved better off than zero-sum business philosophies where the winners end up on top and the losers don’t matter. At its heart, servant leadership is based on the simplest of concepts: Humility – by…

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