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Measuring Fundraising Success By Dr. Zenet Maramara

A Different Way of Measuring Fundraising Success Traditional fundraising measures success in terms of meeting targets: amount of money raised, return on investment (ROI), increase in giving and donor data base. All these are good, but if success is measured by these targets only, then we are merely transactional and not transformational fundraisers. From Transaction…

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Lead Like it Matters to God By W. Scott Brown

Outcomes Conference Book of the Year Lead Like it Matters to God This week, as we mark the 45th Anniversary of Christian Leadership Alliance, we are pleased to announce the Outcomes Conference Book of the Year, Lead Like it Matters to God by Rich Stearns. Rich is the president emeritus of World Vision U.S., and…

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From Whom Should I Learn? By Dr. Bob Snyder

Are you prepared to learn? What I learn is influenced by where I turn for answers and to whom I listen. The WHO is often as important as the WHAT in learning. My willingness to be open and teachable determines the path of my life journey. Early in my teenage years my mother and father…

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An Invitation to the Table By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Leadership: An Invitation to the Table A good friend recently shared this about leadership, it is being invited to have a seat at “the table.” I have heard this metaphor before, and I like it. It resonates because it captures the necessary and essential element of connection, fellowship, and comradery which happens when folks gather…

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Measuring COVID-19 Impact By Mark Mangin

Measuring the Impact of COVID-19 on Fundraising Programs COVID-19 has affected all of us profoundly. It changed the way we serve the public, interact with coworkers, and even the way we fundraise. So, as we seek to learn from the data, how do we measure the impact of COVID-19 on our fundraising programs? Here is…

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Luke and Theophilus By Paul Swamidass

 A Tale of Two Leaders: Luke and Theophilus The gospel of Luke starts with the following words of dedication explaining that it is a carefully prepared account for Theophilus: “…it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, that…

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Experience the Lent Companion By Gary G. Hoag

An Invitation to Experience the Lent Companion  I want to invite you to journey with me from Ash Wednesday to Easter with Lent Companion. Whether you are familiar with Lent or not, let me offer a backstory to the tradition to encourage you to make Lent part of your walk with Jesus. Focus of Lent…

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COVID, Stress, Trauma, and You By Ron Frey

Are you experiencing COVID trauma or something else? Evelyn* was reaching her limits and it was not just the effect of COVID on ministry operations, or a family member contracting the disease. Nor was it the existential threat it posed to the organization’s financial viability, the disruption caused by a board member or a series…

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God’s Provision for Leaders By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

  God’s Provision for Those Who Trust Him Sometimes our leadership practice looks like we are obeying the economics of supply and demand versus trusting God’s provision. We have budgets to meet, folks knocking at our office door, and there is always one more nagging email. Our time and attention become an exchange of ‘goods…

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Talking Leadership with Tom Beck from Compassion Interntional

Talking Leadership and Gaining Wisdom Christian Leadership Alliance President and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Tom Beck, Senior Vice President for Global Human Resources at Compassion International. Tom has a heart for impoverished children and a strong belief in the transformative power of the church. As a consultant, he helped a variety of global para…

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