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Motivated By God’s Rewards By Wesley K. Willmer and Micah Hogan

How do we become motivated by God’s rewards, not the world’s? Nowadays everyone has a rewards program. Everything from credit cards to sandwich shops to airlines use reward programs to encourage customer loyalty and to incentivize business. This only makes sense because, like it or not, we’re all motivated by rewards. If you think about…

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Frame Your Appeal By Ron Frey

How will you frame your appeal now? How is your fundraising appeal doing in the midst of massive cultural change? The impact of COVID-19, George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the polarization of politics around so many social and economic issues, are shifting what donors feel is their highest priority for giving. How…

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Key Metrics for Donor Acquisition by Jillian Jenkins Mangin

TWO KEY METRICS THAT ARE CRITICAL TO DONOR ACQUISITION The start of a new year is one of the most enjoyable times of year for those of us who work in fundraising. The gifts are entered, the batches are complete, and now we get to see the cumulative impact of donors who were inspired to…

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Your Team Isn’t Listening to You By Pam Marmon

5 Reasons Your Team Members Aren’t Listening to Your Ideas We can learn a lot about listening from God’s Word. In the Bible parable of the sower, Jesus describes a hardworking farmer who sows seeds in the land. Some seeds fall on fertile soil, while others fall in thorny land on the side of the…

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Transition and Change are Inevitable By Rich Kidd

Transition and Change are Inevitable – Growth is Optional I typically handle transition and change like a teenager learning to drive a manual transmission—lots of lurching stops and grinding gears.  The truth is only Jesus Himself has taught me to shift gears smoothly in life’s transitions. In my own life and work, I’ve found a…

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What Succeeds a Heart Attack? By Larry Gadbaugh

Have you ever wondered what succeeds a heart attack? On November 8 I had a heart attack. It wasn’t in my strategic plan. What they call “the Widow-Maker,” since I had no family history, no health indicators, or symptoms of heart problems. But, the good news is, I’ve had good recovery, a good prognosis, and…

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The Season of Brokenness By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

The Season of Being Broken Into A season of resurrection, triumph, and feasting. A season of remembrance. For Jesus the time is approaching when his body will be broken for the life of others. Around the communal table of the Passover meal, He beckons us to remember the life God created for us…”be fruitful and…

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The Challenge to Define Reality By R. Scott Rodin

The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. ~ Max De Pree We may agree that defining reality is good advice, but it may be more difficult. How does a leader define what is real for their organization? The need to define reality assumes that a host of alternatives are counterfeit, deceptive, or…

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God Loves You By Karen Moore

Because God Knows and Loves You God knows everything. He regards you very highly and no matter what is happening in your life, He sees your heart and seeks to have a continual relationship with you. He holds you up with steadfast faithfulness. When life is not moving in the direction you hoped it might,…

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Wisdom Requires a Teachable Spirit By R. Scott Rodin

Why does wisdom require a teachable spirit?  Solomon has a command for us to get wisdom. He declares it in no uncertain terms. In Proverbs 4:5-9 he declares: Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will…

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