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The Triple Bottom Line By Mark L. Vincent

The Third Line Matters Most You are likely part of an associational system or line in some aspect of your life. WAIT! Don’t stop reading! This statement means that the place you do business, your work in a ministry organization or nonprofit, your congregational home, your family, your involvement in a civic organization, your participation with…

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A SERMON TO PREPARE FOR COMING AND MOVING ON It surprises many people who know me now that I preached itinerantly for thirty years — often a couple of original sermons each week. Preparing and sharing with groups, small and large, became like breathing.  Inhale:   Exhale: Respiration like this was and is holy work. ADVENT…

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An Advent Reflection By Mark L. Vincent

An Advent Reflection for Steward Leaders The acts of worship in which we engage during Advent are also ways we remember. But what exactly are we remembering? Remembering Lorie White tulips were Lorie’s favorite flower. We had hundreds of long-stemmed ones at her standing-room-only memorial service that people could take home in her memory. She’s…

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Future Value and the Nonprofit Leader By Mark L. Vincent

Have you considered the future value you bring as a nonprofit leader? If you are a nonprofit leader who intends the organization to continue beyond your steward leadership, you must solve for future value. And yet, the idea of future value seems somehow tinged for many nonprofit leaders. Some seem to feel that a focus…

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3 Phrases that Mark Lifelong Learning By Mark L. Vincent

  Lifelong Learning – Three Steward Leader Phrases There are often phrases that best defines the ideals and concepts we know to be true. In this post we look at the three phrases that capture the lifelong learning journey of a a steward leader. In a forthcoming episode of the Third Turn Podcast, my co-host…

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Time Orientation By Mark L. Vincent

Time Orientation – A Steward Leader Reflection Time orientation is one of those surprises that creeps up when groups have decisions to make and find that although they seem to be having the same conversation, they are not. Case in point: An instruction manual needs to be developed for a new consumer/client product. Can’t you just hear…

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The Perception of Busy By Mark L. Vincent

What is Your Perception of Busy? “You are so busy!” “Thank you for taking the time because I know you are a busy person.” “I didn’t want to bother you because you are busy.” Leaders hear these expressions ad nauseam. Being told they are busy actually adds to leader busyness because they have to take…

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