Posts Tagged ‘time’
The Eleventh-Hour Epidemic By Zándra Bishop
Procrastination is a Potential Epidemic Imagine a busy city at the peak of rush hour—streets buzzing with activity, people scurrying from building to building, and the air charged with a palpable sense of urgency. This scene mirrors the atmosphere in many organizations today, where waiting until the last minute has become a common practice. The…
Read MoreTransforming “I’m Swamped” into Purposeful Productivity By Zándra Bishop
The Path to Purposeful Productivity As leaders and executives, “I’m swamped” is far more common in our professional vocabulary than purposeful productivity. It’s a candid expression of the overwhelming flood of responsibilities that can leave us feeling like we are fighting to keep our heads above water. Yet, we can take this profound wisdom to…
Read MoreStewards of Time By Dr. Marybeth Leavell
There is Never Enough Time In our fast-paced society, “there just isn’t enough time to get everything done!”. Most leaders feel that their list of things to do is too long and urgent, resulting in stressful days and sleepless nights. And it is often worse for Christian leaders. In his book The Tyranny of Time,…
Read MoreDifferent Perspectives on Time By Alec Hill
Each Generation Views Time Differently Most young adults see the future and time as having a long trajectory. Looking ahead to a seemingly endless time horizon, they prize having novel experiences, meeting new people, and learning new things. Priorities include exploration and achievement. By contrast, those of us who are older tend to live more…
Read MoreThe Investment of Time By R. Scott Rodin
An Eternal Perspective of Time Invested As we use these last days of 2021 to reflect on how we invested our time in 2021 and look ahead to all that the new year might bring, I want to encourage us to assess our lives, work, and moments in history from an eternal perspective. To help…
Read MoreAn Unhurried Cup of Coffee By Dr. Bob Snyder
Will you have an unhurried cup today? I asked a man from Germany what he missed most while living in the United States. He replied, “I miss sitting unhurried at a café and drinking coffee with friends. Now I get my coffee at a convenience store rushing to my next appointment.” He knew that…
Read MoreWhile There is Time By Ed McDowell
What will you do while there is time? That is why the Lord says, “Turn to me now, while there is time. Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning. (Joel 2:12 NLT) What are some of the common statements about time that we experience? Here are a few that get used often…
Read MoreTime Orientation By Mark L. Vincent
Time Orientation – A Steward Leader Reflection Time orientation is one of those surprises that creeps up when groups have decisions to make and find that although they seem to be having the same conversation, they are not. Case in point: An instruction manual needs to be developed for a new consumer/client product. Can’t you just hear…
Read More5 Ways to Focus Board Meetings By Randy Bronkema
5 Ways to Change the Focus of Your Board Meetings You can begin to change the focus your board meeting and achieve great and meaningful work by focusing on five key priorities. Mission First Every time you meet, review the mission and make this a focus. Ensure that your organization has a clear view of…
Read MoreOur “Come to Jesus” Moment By R. Scott Rodin
Is This Our ‘Come to Jesus’ Moment? Yesterday the Christian Post reported that “more than 60% of American believers of all faiths feel that the novel coronavirus pandemic is a sign that God is telling humanity in this moment to change how it is living.” It stated further that “thirty-one percent of Americans who believe…
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