Posts Tagged ‘W.Scott Brown’
Winter Seasons and Leadership By W. Scott Brown
Are you in a winter season? Look to the harvest that is to come. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. ~ Gal. 6:9 By W. Scott Brown ~ My wife Kristin and I are members of a large…
Read MoreMomentum By W. Scott Brown
How can God use us to create a shift in momentum? By W. Scott Brown~ I vividly remember the game. Well into the third quarter, our undefeated high school football team trailed a powerful rival in their home stadium. The opposing team was playing well. Their raucous fans were ecstatic. We, by contrast, were stunned.…
Read MoreReligious Freedom: An Interview with Dr. Russell Moore
Religious Freedom, Evangelicals and Culture ~ An interview with Dr. Russell Moore Dr. Russell Moore serves as the eighth president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention, the moral and public policy agency of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination. The Wall Street Journal has called Moore “vigorous, cheerful, and…
Read MoreAre You An Original? By W. Scott Brown
Are You An Original? By W. Scott Brown ~ Recently I read a compelling new book: Originals: How Nonconformists Move the World (Viking, 2016) by New York Times bestselling author Dr. Adam Grant of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. In it Grant says: “The Declaration of Independence promises Americans the unalienable rights…
Read MorePrince of Peace By W. Scott Brown
Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace By W. Scott Brown Today’s world is rife with turmoil. From war, conflict and refugee crises abroad, to contentious election campaigns and policy battles here at home, we feel this tension. But Jesus offers us a peace that transcends this moment. As we approach the glorious resurrection day…
Read MoreBy Their Fruits By W. Scott Brown
By W. Scott Brown ~ Choosing Leaders by Their Fruits Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount has always captivated me. It is completely counter-cultural. In Matthew chapters 5 through 7, we see some of the most compelling, challenging and inspiring guidance for how Christ wants us to live and lead. I am always challenged by Jesus’…
Read MoreLead Like Daniel By W. Scott Brown
By W. Scott Brown ~ Lately, I have thought often of Old Testament prophet Daniel and what it would mean to lead like Daniel. My pastor recently led a fascinating sermon series on the book of Daniel, and several books I read in recent months focused on Daniel and his life in Babylon. Like Daniel,…
Read MoreReligious Freedom By W. Scott Brown
By W. Scott Brown ~ With the recent death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, a consistent defender of the religious liberty protections ensured by the U.S. Constitution, upholding religious freedom is a growing topic of national discussion and import. In recent years, our culture has shifted on this topic. Increasingly religious freedom is…
Read MoreThe Rest of God by W. Scott Brown
“Return to your rest, my soul, for the LORD has been good to you.” ~Psalm 116:7 By W. Scott Brown ~ Is your soul at rest? In a world experiencing turmoil and uncertainty do you exude Christlike peace? Have you experienced the rest of God? Nothing speaks more powerfully to those we lead, or impacts more profoundly today’s restless…
Read MoreRooted in Christ: The Secret of Lasting Fruit
By W. Scott Brown I love the verdant scene painted in Psalm 1:1-3. It portrays a vibrant, fruitful tree with leaves that don’t wither amidst heat or drought. The scene is especially poignant when one considers the arid desert-like landscape of Israel. Just imagine the wonder of seeing that flourishing fruit tree in the midst…
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