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God is Already Up in My Business By Dr. Rob McKenna

Finding Faith in God in Our Work So many leaders I work with feel dissatisfied with their faith, especially regarding how their faith in God is enacted in their work. They aren’t dissatisfied with God but with their ability to bring their beliefs’ full impact to their work and leadership. They feel it is their…

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Outcome Conference 24 Highlight: Dr. Rob McKenna

Dr. Rob McKenna Brings a WiLD Conversation to the Outcomes Mainstage Dr. Rob McKenna, the founder of WiLD Leaders, graces the Mainstage at the Outcomes Conference 2024. He will inspire conversation and community by bringing his infamous WiLD Conversations to life for over 1,000 leaders. Typically hosting these conversations on Fridays with an online community,…

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Dying to Lead By Dr. Rob McKenna

The Decision to Lead Like Christ It’s tough when you lead to selling an idea that suggests outcomes don’t come first, that the survival of your organization isn’t priority number one, and that preservation, profitability, meaning, self-actualization, happiness, confidence, and results aren’t the point. That’s a tough sell. If the concept of sacrificing yourself as…

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The Truth About Broken Leaders By Dr. Rob McKenna

Broken Leaders Aren’t Weird, They’re Unveiled If you’re like me, you like your car to be fixed when it gets dented. Few things drive me more crazy than a ding in the side of my truck. Call me materialistic or having OCD for it, but I don’t think I’m the only one who likes their…

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Whole Leaders and Thriving Ministries By Dr. Rob McKenna

How can we build up leaders- whole leaders? In order to create thriving communities of faith capable of withstanding the storms ahead for the sake of reflecting God’s love to the world around us, we must build up whole leaders. So, what is happening at the intersection of the Gospel and some really rigorous psychological…

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The Leader Development Crisis by Dr. Rob McKenna

  A Threatening Crisis – The Lack of Leader Development “What is the number one crisis threatening the future of the Church?” It was a question I asked a senior leader in a recent coaching conversation. Without hesitation he responded, “The deep-seated security of our leaders.” While we could roll past his response with only…

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Abounding in Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving for the featured sponsors and exhibitors – #Outcomes19 Christian Leadership Alliance gives thanks for the sponsors and exhibitors who supported the Outcomes Conference 2019. This post is in honor of the ministries, organizations and businesses that dedicate their time, talents and resources to strengthening those called to lead and serve in churches, nonprofit ministry…

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Winning Goals – Part Two By Dr. Daniel Hallak

  The Heart of Winning Goals – Part Two Decades of research tells us that that goals are a powerful motivational force for winning. The deeper challenge is how to set the right goals and orient our hearts to put effort toward the things that matter most. When we set goals and take action, we…

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Winning Goals – Part One By Dr. Daniel Hallak

The Heart of Winning Goals – Part One I’ve been failing at goal setting since my 6th birthday party. My parents created thoughtful birthday games to keep everyone entertained. We started with a round of pin the tail on the donkey in the yard. They surrounded me with my friends, spun me till I was…

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Getting Composed By Rob McKenna

Getting Composed Under Pressure Six months ago I finished the book Composed: The Heart and Science of Leading Under Pressure. I wrote the book based on my research over the last sixteen years on the strategies that enable leaders to to maintain a sense of themselves and a connection to others during the highest pressure…

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