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Release the Reins By Wayne Pederson

Release the Reins: 8 Tips for Successful Leadership Transitions By Wayne Pederson ~ Each day, approximately 10,000 baby boomers turn 65. Many are in leadership roles, including ministry leadership, and they must transfer that leadership to the next generation. I’ve seen healthy transitions and some badly managed handoffs. So, how can a leader know when…

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Perspective By Rick Dunham

Perspective is the one thing you need for 2017! By Rick Dunham ~ Because I fly a lot, I often think about how different my perspective is from 40,000 feet. From that altitude you see things that you just can’t see anywhere else. The things that seem so big on the ground take on a…

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Steward Leader Thinking By Mark L. Vincent

The ongoing genesis of steward leadership thinking transforms us. By Mark L. Vincent ~ The 2017 Steward Summit, which focuses on steward leader thinking and principles, is behind us. This annual event was shared with several Christian Leadership Alliance friends and family as participants and presenters. In fact,  several of us serving as regular bloggers…

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Tired of Vision Casting? By Jeff Anderson

Are you tired of casting vision to raise money for your ministry? By Jeff Anderson ~ Vision casting, you know what I’m talking about. It happens whenever you show (and tell) how a dollar can advance a mission, build a building, fund a budget. And the pressure never seems to never end, does it? You…

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Risk Management By Persuitti, Bushnell, and Rice

Risk Management: It’s vital for your ministry. By Peter A. Persuitti, Phil Bushnell and Dr. James A. Rice ~ Think of risk management as a prudent, informed enabling of the ministry that is the lifeblood of our building Christ’s kingdom on earth. Risk management is “vital”. In fact, the word vital derives from the Latin…

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My Word for 2017 By Gary Hoag

Claiming My Word for 2017 By Gary Hoag, ~ With the start of 2017, a few students, family, and friends have already asked me this question: “What’s your word for 2017?” I spent a technology-free day with the Lord back in November 2016. It was refreshing, and while this may sound odd to some of you,…

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Leadership Paradox By Lee Ellis

Three Strategic Tips for Living in the Balance of the Leadership Paradox By Lee Ellis ~ The temptation is there for all us, but it’s easier to notice in others – “Why do they lead this organization the same old way? And why do they only see life from their myopic view?” The ability to…

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Playing On Offense By Dr. Jeffrey W. Steed

If you are playing on offense, then foundations and endowments are game changers. By Dr. Jeffrey W. Steed ~ I had every intention of being the most valuable player on my fourth grade basketball team. The problem was that I knew very little about basketball strategy, and I was short! In the beginning of that…

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Stewardship and Servanthood By Kent R. Wilson

Stewardship and servanthood seem to go hand in hand: you can’t have one without the other. By Kent R. Wilson, PhD ~ There is great privilege and blessing in being a steward leader of a nonprofit organization. We are entrusted with significant organizational resources to manage and steward, and are allowed to exercise our leadership…

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Self-mastery By Mark L. Vincent

Self-mastery matters more than ever. By Mark L. Vincent ~ Are you as tired of the U.S. presidential race post-mortems as you were with the election process itself? Does anything remain to discuss? Anything? Through the relentless negative messaging to which we’ve been subjected, two leadership reflections abide in me: Role leadership is nearly dead.…

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