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The Myth of Normal By Dr. Mark L. Vincent

What We Need to Know About Normal and Disciplined Thinking We can’t return to a new normal if we never left it. If leaders can (re)learn anything on this side of Pandemic Time, as Palestinians and Israelis murder each other, the threat of another war in Kosovo, and yet another deadly earthquake in Afghanistan, it is that the…

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The Essential Need for Laughter By Dr. Bob Snyder

Laughter Always Lifts Us Recent travels have placed me in the presence of friends full of laughter. As a result, my spirit became light, my body – energized, and my heart – hope-filled. My journey became light in their midst. The impact of humor grabbed me when Norman Cousins, former editor of Saturday Review, published…

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Living and Leading in an Age of Anxiety By R. Scott Rodin

Learn to Resist the Anxiety the World Provides Mark Sayer’s new book, A Non-Anxious Presence, How a Changing and Complex World Will Create a Remnant of Renewed Christian Leaders, suggests that anxiety is the dominant theme in our world and our leadership. This anxiety is generated by what he calls the ‘gray zone’ in which…

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The Goliath in All of Us By Dr. Rob McKenna

Are you more like Goliath than David? A champion named Goliath, who was from Gath, came out of the Philistine camp. He was over nine feet tall. He had a bronze helmet on his head and wore a coat of scale armor of bronze weighing five thousand shekels; on his legs, he wore bronze greaves,…

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The Gift of Mercy By Ed McDowell

The Blessing of Receiving and Extending Mercy The word “mercy” describes the compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone within one’s power to punish or harm. The You Version Bible App describes it as not getting what you deserve (judgment and wrath). In Scripture, we see the blessing that comes with it. “God blesses those who…

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Perspective on Homogeneity By Dr. Mark L. Vincent

Refreshing Our Perspective on Homogeneity Early in the pastoring part of my career, our congregation’s leaders studied the homogeneity principle—essentially, like attracts like. The experts said that folks with similar incomes, education, experience, ethnicity, and interests are naturally drawn to each other. The more homogeneity, the more they congeal. The faster you can grow your…

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Data Services For the Win By Brent Nudo

Discerning the Right Data Services Can Change Everything! Whether it’s managing donor records, understanding the effectiveness of your communications effort, or helping your team identify that next big prospect, data plays a vital role in your organization’s success. Using the right tools will move your ministry into the 21st Century! Digital Tool Assessment & Recommendations…

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Leadership Lessons from the Book of Romans By Ed Fry

Five Leadership Lessons from the Paul’s Letter to the Romans The Book of Romans offers timeless wisdom and valuable insights for leaders across various domains. While it is primarily a theological work, its principles extend beyond religion and provide a profound guide for leadership in the modern world. Romans sheds light on how Jesus shattered…

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The Danger of Control By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Don’t Let Control Get You in a Choke Hold At some point, the transformation of a steward leader includes facing one’s demand for control and micromanagement. The wrestle for control is the essential challenge. Embracing our identity as faithful stewards begins by acknowledging that we serve on another’s behalf. I’ve found that the desire for…

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Discover How to Sharpen Your Aim! By W. Scott Brown

Come and Experience AIM: Alliance Insights Modules Christian Leadership Alliance introduces NEW self-paced courses called AIM: Alliance Insights Modules. These dynamic digital modules will equip you and your team in critical areas of Christian nonprofit leadership, from donor development to caring for employees, to stewarding your soul as a leader, and so much more! This…

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