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The Generosity of Hard Work By Ed McDowell

Paul Knew the Link Between Generosity and Hard Work Today we explore The Apostle Paul and his messages about the profound generosity produced by hard work.  At this time, he was preparing to leave the church of Ephesus after spending three years with them. Here is what he had to say to them. “I have…

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Standing Tall with Full Integration By Dr. Brian S. Simmons

Standing Tall and Integration in all Areas of Life Leaders who effectively integrate faith with life inspire us! Hobby Lobby has become one of America’s favorite arts and crafts stores! In his book, More Than A Hobby, David Green recounted a foundational story from the early years of his business. Every year at Christmas and…

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Leadership in the Gospel of Mark By Ed Fry

Six Executive Leadership Principles in the Gospel of Mark Faith-based organizations, because of the gospel, are called to stand out. They are to be different than the other organizations in their industry. Leaders of those faith-based organizations should also live differently, by Christ rather than the world, and part of that is accessing and understanding…

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Leading in The New Abnormal By Larry Gadbaugh

What You Need to Know About Leading in The New Abnormal We are called to lead in abnormal times. All of us are aware of the seismic shifts that have shaken the moral, political, economic, domestic, and international landscape over the last decade. Carl Trueman’s brilliant book, Strange New World, is essential to understand how…

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Finish Strong! By Kirk Kriegel

Maestro-Level Leaders Helps You Finish Strong “Finishing strong” – I hear that phrase a great deal, but what does it mean for those of us in the “Third Turn” of our current professional role? If you are a “C” level executive, you did not get there by being passive, laid back, with an “it will…

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The Pursuit of Excellence By Dr. Bob Snyder

Understand Your Drive for Excellence Striving for excellence in all things is a noble goal. But when this striving is motivated by my ambitions, I can fall prey to pride and greed. How am I to excel when my sin gets in the way?  But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge,…

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Living as Generous Stewards of God Dr. Zenet MaraMara

Understanding Our Generous God God is a generous God who freely gives abundantly and sacrificially. Romans 8:32 states, “He, who did not spare his son, but gave him up for us all—how will not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?”   Understanding God’s generosity and looking to him as the ultimate model…

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Gratitude for Freedom Now and Forever

The Gift of Freedom Now and Forever On this particular holiday, we celebrate freedom now and forever. We give thanks for the aim of independence that marked the birth and evolution of our country.  Vision and Perserverance We consider the words of past leaders and the vision they embraced. Their voices remind us of what…

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Leadership Principles Found In Matthew By Ed Fry

6 Executive Leadership Principles from the Gospel of Matthew In the Gospel of Matthew, we find leadership so radically different from how the religious leaders of the day lived their lives. Jesus revolutionized what it means to be a leader, and it astounded the people around him. And it drew many to him. The way…

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Ought a Steward Leader Use ChatGPT? By Dr. Al Hearne

Starting the Conversation About Using ChatGPT In my lifetime, I have seen three primary responses to adopting new technology like ChatGPT. Some people love and immediately use it, some are apprehensive and slowly try it, and some reject it. Yet over time, the new technology becomes commonly used by the masses. Rarely have I ever…

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