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Put Your Houses in Order By Gary G. Hoag

God Expects our Houses to be in order! God cares that pastors and ministry administrators have their houses in order. How do we know this? Jesus put the temple in order twice. After performing His first miracle at the start of His ministry, we read about the first time in John 2:13-16. When it was…

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Happiness and Human Flourishing By Dr. Zenet Maramara

The Search for Happiness and Human Flourishing Throughout history, people and society have pursued happiness and well-being. The worldly (hedonic) definition of happiness consists of enjoying the pleasures of life and adding fun, joy, and excitement to everyday living. People buy and accumulate stuff to make themselves happy. They seek gratification, entertainment, or amusement to…

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The Truth About Broken Leaders By Dr. Rob McKenna

Broken Leaders Aren’t Weird, They’re Unveiled If you’re like me, you like your car to be fixed when it gets dented. Few things drive me more crazy than a ding in the side of my truck. Call me materialistic or having OCD for it, but I don’t think I’m the only one who likes their…

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Entrusted: Giving Thanks for Those Called to Serve

Thanks to All Who Invest Their Best in Others As we conclude the Outcomes Conference 2023, we give thanks to all those who invested their best for God’s glory and the advancement of his master plan. Collaboration is a core value of the Christian Leadership Alliance and we witnessed it fully expressed through this annual…

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Entrusted: Convene and Equip Leaders from Every Nation

An Invitation to Convene and Equip Global Christian Leaders This week over 1,000 Christian leaders are in Chicago to convene and equip at the Outcomes Conference 2023. Not only will they sharpen and be sharpened this week, they will choose to take a stand and pay forward the professional training they are experiencing this week.…

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Entrusted: Discipleship and Your Family

AWANA Provides the Discipleship Resources You Need! At the Outcomes Conference today, in Chicago, Matt Markins takes the Lunch and Learn Mainstage to talk discipleship, specifically about discipleship within our families. Meet Matt Matt Markins serves as the President and CEO of Awana, a global leader in child discipleship. As a leading researcher in child…

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Entrusted: He Gets Us

He Gets Us Has an Agenda There are questions at the heart of He Gets Us. How did the story of a man who taught and practiced unconditional love, peace, and kindness; who spent his life defending the poor and the marginalized; a man who even forgave his killers while they executed him unjustly —…

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Entrusted: To Learn and Grow Online

The Spring Term of the Outcome Academy Online Is Ready for You! The Outcomes Academy Online runs its Credentialed Christian Nonprofit Leadership (CCNL) Program courses four times a year. This spring you can choose from either a required course or an elective that will keep you on track to complete this professional credential. You’ll experience…

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Good Nonprofit Board Governance By Rob Faulk and Nathan Davis

Key Steps to Good Nonprofit Board Governance Effective nonprofit boards play a vital role in safeguarding the organization’s overall health and stability. Yet many nonprofit leaders and board members do not fully understand what good board governance entails. As defined in The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance from BoardSource, board governance is the board’s legal authority…

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Entrusted: Stewarding Relationships Well By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Protect, Care, and Cultivate What Has Been Entrusted to You The theme for the Christian Leadership Alliance Outcomes Conference, Entrusted, describes a core concept for every leader who wants to be a steward leader. Stewards are the trusted advisors of the One they serve, and they are entrusted to protect, care for, and cultivate all…

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