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Develop a Persuasive Case By Ron Haas

Learn the Process of Developing a Persuasive Case “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.” ~ I Cor. 2:4-8 Have you ever agonized over finding just the right persuasive…

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A Greater Good for Global Leaders

The Outcome Conference Global Digital Experience 2022: A Greater Good There is often a greater good that comes from some of the hardest of times. So it was for Christian Leadership Alliance in the spring of 2020. Poised to present our 2020 Outcomes Conference (prophetically themed:TRANSFORM), the country shut down and so did the possibility…

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Directing Our Steps By Dr. Brian S. Simmons

Blessings Flow as He Directs Our Steps “The Lord directs the steps of the godly.  He delights in every detail of their lives.  Though they may stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand… and their children are a blessing! ~ Psalm 37: 23-4, 26 (b) NLV The Lord, in…

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Our Letter of Recommendation By Dr. Bob Snyder

What Letter of Recommendation Does Your Life Communicate? Letters of recommendation are powerful tools in advocacy. They serve as a witness to who I am and the work I have done. If written by the right person, a letter of recommendation can be the difference between my acceptance and my rejection. Are we beginning to…

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Christian Compassion and Mental Health By Zándra Bishop

Create a Culture where Compassion Covers Mental Health Why is the topic of mental health so taboo, especially after decades of recognition? Throughout the pandemic and into 2022, mental wellness has become increasingly important because of long periods of emotional, physiological, and physical isolation. The silence was broken and a topic that was previously in…

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Leading Against The Tide By Larry Gadbaugh

The Season Leading Against the Tide Most of us find ourselves leading against the tide in this season of upheaval. Faithfulness to our convictions calls us to go against the grain even more than ever. We face this challenge at a number of levels, from HR policy, to government mandates, and even within some of…

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Doing Good Works By W. Scott Brown

Doing The Good Works God Has Prepared for Us “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Eph. 2:10) Cultural conflict grabs headlines, but there is another story happening today. Christian organizations and leaders are quietly and faithfully transforming lives. It’s…

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Flourishing in Faith and Work By Dr. Zenet Maramara

Learn to Flourish in Faith and Work We recently hosted a webinar called “Flourishing in Faith and Work” wherein the participants came from various backgrounds and understanding of the theology of work. One of the ladies in my breakout group says that she works for economic reasons. She is a young single mom who works…

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Rejoice in The Gift of Freedom!

Time to Celebrate All The Ways We Experience the Gift of Freedom On this July 4th holiday in America, we celebrate Independence Day and the extraordinary privilege of living of a place where freedom is constantly evaluated and defended. We give thanks to God to all those who dedicate their lives to keep this country…

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How To Create An Extraordinary Annual Report By Gary G. Hoag

Four Tips to Create an Exceptional Annual Report Recently, Ereny Monir, Ruthie Cristobal, and I from GTP produced an ECFA webinar called “Creating an Exceptional Annual Report.” While doing the research for it, we marveled that few churches and ministries actually do an annual report. If that’s you, watch the recording and download the slide…

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