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Let’s Be Real By Randy Hain

Let’s Be Real – Be Yourself! “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”—Ralph Waldo Emerson I have discussed the topic of authenticity with other business professionals for decades. Over the last few years, these conversations have migrated from the importance of allowing others…

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How to Create Urgency in Digital Campaigns By Jason Wood

Two Highly Effective Ways to Increase Urgency in Digital Campaigns Creating a sense of urgency in digital fundraising is an effective way to increase results, which can lead to a greater impact for your organization. But how? Here are two highly useful visual tactics you can incorporate into your next online campaign: countdown timers and…

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Christian Leadership Alliance Member Spotlight: CIM

Christian Leadership Alliance Founder’s Council Member: CIM (Computers in Ministry) Today, Christian Leadership Alliance’s member spotlight is shining on the ministry of CIM. We are grateful for the leadership of CIM and their commitment to maximizing technology so ministries can grow, increase impact and thrive. The CIM Story Their Founder, Mark Johnson, felt called to…

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The Stories We Tell By Mark L. Vincent

What are the stories you tell? It is true that powerful stories can reveal much about you and your organization What kind of stories are you telling?. Twenty years ago, a graduate school professor pulled me aside at a Green Lake Conference Center event. Conversations were happening in a flurry as they often do between…

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The Biggest Communications Mistakes By Monique Maley

The Biggest Communication Mistakes I’ve Ever Seen When you send someone an email, call them on the phone, or shoot them a Slack message, do you think that you’ve just engaged in communication? If so, you’re not alone: most people consider each of those actions to be forms of communication. But in fact, they aren’t—and…

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Attention Non-profits – It’s Not About Fundraising By Tom Atema

Attention Non-profits, it all about relationships! Non-profits have become way too transactional, and are losing sight of their mandate. It started before we ever heard the word Coronavirus, Covid or Covid-19. For sure, 2020, accelerated my concern as I worked with and studied many non-profits. I speak with people in the non-profit world every day…

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Set Free to Give By Dr. Zenet Maramara

Are You Set Free to Give? Joyful, generous  stewards are set free to give and lead generous lives. Does that send A most noble task of a development professional, besides hitting the annual fundraising goal is to multiply faithful, generous and joyful stewards. Steward theology teaches that a life that is fully- surrendered to the…

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An Unhurried Cup of Coffee By Dr. Bob Snyder

  Will you have an unhurried cup today? I asked a man from Germany what he missed most while living in the United States. He replied, “I miss sitting unhurried at a café and drinking coffee with friends. Now I get my coffee at a convenience store rushing to my next appointment.” He knew that…

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While There is Time By Ed McDowell

What will you do while there is time? That is why the Lord says, “Turn to me now, while there is time. Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning. (Joel 2:12 NLT) What are some of the common statements about time that we experience? Here are a few that get used often…

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Leading During the Crisis of a Perfect Storm By Michael J. Mantel

   Our Crisis – His Response I lead a team that is used to crises. At Living Water International, we train for the unexpected, plan for natural disasters, and pray our way through predicaments. But nothing in my 30 years of ministry prepared me for the perfect storm that happened in 2017. It began with…

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