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Ensure a God-Honoring Legacy By David Sanford

Core Ways to Ensure a God-Honoring Legacy It’s no secret that finishing this life with a God-honoring legacy isn’t automatic and certainly isn’t easy. So, in my twenties and thirties, and again in my forties, I asked a number of older Christians to show me how it’s done. Thankfully, they agreed! A few months before…

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The Pathways to Sustained Interdependence By Gary G. Hoag

Have you found the pathway to sustained interdependence? Sustained interdependence is the necessary interplay between people and God that results in fruitful and flourishing ministry. This post aims to unpack the aspects of this necessary interplay so you can experience it where you serve. Sustained Interdependence In his book When Money Goes On Mission, Rob…

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What’s the Key to Email Success By Chris Dolan

What’s Key to Increasing Email Success? Email is one of the most used modes of communication, which will only continue to grow as technology advances. It is important to factor this type of communication into your marketing strategy in order to stay relevant with your audience. Let’s examine a few email best practices to help…

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What Outcomes Does Your Case For Support Create? By Shelley Cochrane

Is Your Case For Support Attracting or Repelling? One of the ways nonprofits demonstrate their gift-worthiness is through a written Case for Support document. When I worked on my first Case for Support, I described our vision and mission, goals for the future, the people we were helping, the cost, and a brief history. That…

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Response to a VUCA World By Dr. Zenet Maramara

The Steward Leader’s Response to a VUCA World What is the steward’s response to such a time of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) of the world around us? The persistent presence of Covid-19 virus may make you may feel like a prisoner of the pandemic. Or maybe you live in a comfortable bubble, oblivious…

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Discover Why Membership Matters By Tami Heim

  ANNOUNCING THE NEW ALLIANCE MEMBERSHIP COMMUNITY! Today, Christian Leadership Alliance is launching a dynamic online community where membership matters. All those who belong will have ongoing access to those who share their passion for excellence and advancing the gospel. For 45 years, the Alliance community has been equipping leaders for Kingdom impact.  Our community…

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Direct Mail Brings Huge Success By Christa Huff

Don’t Believe the Rumors About Direct Mail! There have long been (unsubstantiated) rumors of the demise of direct mail. In fact, this workhorse of our direct response fundraising plan has been a steady, reliable source of funding. And after everything that happened in 2020, this approached turned into the fundraising hero of the year. As…

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The Greater Mission By R. Scott Rodin

The Greater Mission and Mission Statements For the past 20+ years, I have been helping organizations write or revise their mission statements. Appropriately used, mission statements are both an anchor point and a guide. By clearly articulating who we are, what we do, and why we do it, our mission statement speaks internally by keeping…

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Artificial Intelligence in Ministry By Dave Raley

Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Ministry Artificial intelligence isn’t new. It has fueled the imagination of ambitious inventors and entrepreneurs for centuries. It has fired the dreams of artists, authors, and film-making — some of whom have seen its positive potential, some of whom have painted vivid pictures of its dangers. Regardless of how it has…

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Are You Being or Doing? By Dr. Thomas Yeakley

Keep Being and Doing in the Right Order and Balance! As followers of Christ, we are called both to ‘be’ and to ‘do.’  But note the order! As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be…

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