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The Significance of Segmentation By Ryan Carpenter

  Careful Segmentation Increases Collaboration Donor segmentation, the process of categorizing donors into targeted groups, is a common foundational strategy in fundraising and development. But today, leading edge platforms such as GivingDNA™ are changing the way organizations not only think about segmentation but how they more purposefully interact with donors. Some will remember the catchy…

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Does Your Board Trust You? By Henry Doorn

Leaders Must Work to Establish Board Trust and Credibility Building board trust is essential. The relationship between a CEO and board is significant to an organization and it cannot be over emphasized how important it is to establish trust and credibility. Cultivate Relationship As a leader of an organization, it is imperative that you establish…

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The Gift of New Board Members By Kim Triller

The Invaluable Gift of New Board Members “ There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one…

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When Jesus Chooses to Not Play Nice By David Sanford

Powerful Ways Jesus Chooses to Not “Play Nice” To Jesus, the master conversationalist, relationship and meaning triumph over social norms…every time. He interrupts. He puzzles. He changes subject. He provokes. He monologues. It’s all fair game toward one overriding mission. This is what happens before the Bible’s most famous verse, John 3:16! A Visitor Because…

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Practical Advice for Leaders By Bob Lonac

  Be on Guard PLUS More Practical Advice for Leaders!   In our daily reading, Kathleen and I came across a powerful verse with practical advice: “Now be on your guard for yourselves and for every flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you guardians.” (Acts 20:28, JB Phillips) This is some of the…

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How to Number Our Days Aright By Jon Lewis

“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”  Psalm 90:12 It’s good to consider just what it means to number our days aright. How do we become a good steward of time. A couple of weeks ago, I celebrated my 70th birthday! On such a life milestone as…

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Stop Raising Up Leaders By Alec Hill and Justin Lawrence

Leaders who can’t manage aren’t really leaders at all! A cottage industry has sprung up around Christian leaders and leadership. Whether it’s conferences, books, videos, or degree programs, there is no shortage of places to listen to inspiring thought leaders. What’s Missing But as we assess churches and other non-profits, this charge-ahead leadership model is…

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5 Ways to Thrive as a Christian Leader By W. Scott Brown

It’s Time for Christian Leaders to Thrive! Thriving Christian leaders are desperately needed in today’s world. That’s why “Thrive” is the theme of The Outcomes Conference 2021, June 15 to 17 in Orlando. Here are the top 5 ways you will thrive as Christian leader by coming to the conference this summer. 1. Collaborative Community…

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3 Phrases that Mark Lifelong Learning By Mark L. Vincent

  Lifelong Learning – Three Steward Leader Phrases There are often phrases that best defines the ideals and concepts we know to be true. In this post we look at the three phrases that capture the lifelong learning journey of a a steward leader. In a forthcoming episode of the Third Turn Podcast, my co-host…

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Adapt Your Leadership By Lee Ellis

 How to Adapt and Thrive Amidst Constant Change You need to adapt! How many times over the last year did you hear this from others? If there ever was a time during which you’ve had to adapt in ministry, it’s been the last 12 months. Let’s continue talking about it from a different angle that…

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