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Executive Transitions By John Wylie and William Wright

EXECUTIVE TRANSITIONS: Adapting Best Practices for Christian Nonprofits Current crises are exposing weaknesses in current executive leaders for Christian organizations.  Many Christian organizations therefore will face transitions among their highest executives.  How should organizations’ Boards of Directors manage these transitions? Authority The first issue for the Board is to identify who has the authority to…

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Confessions of a Leader By Alec Hill

Confessions of a Leader Who Pretended to be Better than He Really Was Confessions are good for the soul. Several times in my career, people perceived me as being more capable, more spiritual, and more caring than I really was. Deeply desiring not to disappoint – and straining to live up to their inflated image…

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An Invitation to the Table By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Leadership: An Invitation to the Table A good friend recently shared this about leadership, it is being invited to have a seat at “the table.” I have heard this metaphor before, and I like it. It resonates because it captures the necessary and essential element of connection, fellowship, and comradery which happens when folks gather…

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Donor Impact Reports By Christa Huff

Creating Effective Donor Impact Reports One of the main reasons donors fail to give again is because they didn’t receive impact reports. They didn’t know what their first gift accomplished. It might seem straightforward to you, but they want to see how their gift impacted the cause. There are a multitude of ways you can…

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5 Ways to Improve Your Fundraising Strategy By Shelley Cochrane

5 Improvements to Your 2021 Fundraising Strategy A new year presents the opportunity to put fresh eyes on how well you’re engaging your donors and connecting them to the impact their gifts are making. Take a moment to evaluate these five areas to strengthen the bond with your donors. (1) LOOK BACK Look at your…

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Godly Governance By Dr. Zenet Maramara

What does godly governance look like? The concept of governance is not new. It is found in the Bible as early as creation. When God created the world and all that is in it, he entrusted its care and governance to Adam and his posterity. Humankind, as God’s representative, is mandated to exert dominion and…

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Measuring COVID-19 Impact By Mark Mangin

Measuring the Impact of COVID-19 on Fundraising Programs COVID-19 has affected all of us profoundly. It changed the way we serve the public, interact with coworkers, and even the way we fundraise. So, as we seek to learn from the data, how do we measure the impact of COVID-19 on our fundraising programs? Here is…

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Luke and Theophilus By Paul Swamidass

 A Tale of Two Leaders: Luke and Theophilus The gospel of Luke starts with the following words of dedication explaining that it is a carefully prepared account for Theophilus: “…it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, that…

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Experience the Lent Companion By Gary G. Hoag

An Invitation to Experience the Lent Companion  I want to invite you to journey with me from Ash Wednesday to Easter with Lent Companion. Whether you are familiar with Lent or not, let me offer a backstory to the tradition to encourage you to make Lent part of your walk with Jesus. Focus of Lent…

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Capital Campaign Success By Randy Bronkema

Five Ways to Prepare for Capital Campaign Success I think we can agree, people are the keystone to successful fundraising. Our firm is currently conducting a research study to explore the challenges surrounding fundraising roles, why the notoriously short tenure, and what’s needed to reverse the trend. I encourage you to share your own insight…

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