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The VUCA Vortex By Ron Frey

  Are You in the VUCA Vortex? The military defines VUCA as Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity – the environment of war. If the year of 2020 has you living in a VUCA Vortex, I have two encouraging thoughts for you: You can turn the VUCA experience into a positive force, and Don’t go it…

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Finding Hope in This Advent Season By Rebecca Kelsall

Fix Your Eyes on Hope to Come this Advent Season As you enter this Advent season, where will you find hope? “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.…

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Happy Thanksgiving to You!

Hear the Voices of Gratitude and Thanksgiving As we gathering in a spirit of thanksgiving, we discover over and over again in God’s Word that he, alone, is worthy of our praise. Our praise, adoration, and thanksgiving brings him delight and increases our intimacy with him. In our praises and adoration, he continues to transform…

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Generous Refreshment By Ed McDowell

A Season of Generous Refreshment The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. ~ Proverbs 11:25 The sweetest refreshment experienced is always associated with generosity.  Stop and think about the times of refreshment in your own life, examine the details of that refreshment and you will find generosity flowing through the…

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Visionary Investing By Abel Pomar

Visionary Investing Begins with the Great Commission Most of the decisions we make throughout the day involve money or investing it on some level. How we use money bears eternal significance. Maybe that’s why God’s Word provides more guidance on how we handle our money and resources than on nearly any other topic. At least…

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Talking Leadership with Tom Beck from Compassion Interntional

Talking Leadership and Gaining Wisdom Christian Leadership Alliance President and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Tom Beck, Senior Vice President for Global Human Resources at Compassion International. Tom has a heart for impoverished children and a strong belief in the transformative power of the church. As a consultant, he helped a variety of global para…

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Motivated By God’s Rewards By Wesley K. Willmer and Micah Hogan

How do we become motivated by God’s rewards, not the world’s? Nowadays everyone has a rewards program. Everything from credit cards to sandwich shops to airlines use reward programs to encourage customer loyalty and to incentivize business. This only makes sense because, like it or not, we’re all motivated by rewards. If you think about…

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Money Talk by Peter J. Mahler

Let’s Talk About Money and Weathering the Storm! Money has become a key topic of conversation for Christians across the country. Because the coronavirus (COVID-19) has forced many businesses to close their doors, millions of Americans are unemployed. As a result, many churches and other Christian organizations may face potentially catastrophic reductions in income, even…

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How Does Jesus See People? By David Sanford

How Does Jesus Really See People? So how, exactly, does the Lord Jesus Christ see each member of humanity? The answer, it turns out, is more relevant than ever—and has three parts. They’re not the same, but how are they different? The people we lead need to know! The three parts are: God’s Church –…

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The Meaning of Allegiance By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

A Steward’s Allegiance A steward leader’s activity must be rooted in their attention and allegiance to their owner. Our owner guides the direction of a steward’s service to others. The question of allegiance is central to the very definition of a steward because we must answer who owns us. The King and His Kingdom supersedes…

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