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Timeless Generosity Meets Modern Giving Solutions by Ray Gary

The Power of Modern Giving Solutions to Unlock Generosity As Christians and leaders, we’re steeped in the belief that giving to those around us and to the world at large is essential. As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of…

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Stewarding Your Interpersonal Relationships By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

A Call to Steward Well Your Interpersonal Relationships For me, interpersonal relationships are both rewarding and challenging, especially as a steward leader. Creating strong collaborations. Fostering trust and unity. Becoming open and inviting and curious. All of this encompasses what I understand good leadership to be. Steward Leadership These are essentials. Moving beyond good leadership…

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Build Greater Organizational Trust – Now By Al Lopus

Trust Makes or Breaks an Organization’s Culture If you do not cultivate the kind of growing trust that produces enjoyment, unity and productivity, then your organization will slowly, steadily weaken from within. The alternative is a clear, logical path for growing a vibrant, grounded kind of organization that is now helping to transform hundreds of…

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Build Your Culture on Trust By Al Lopus

  Three Commitments to Create and Sustain Trust At Best Christian Workplace Institute (BCWI), we have found three commitments outlined in Robert Shaw’s book, Trust in the Balance, Lead with Character In order to earn organizational trust, the leadership needs to fulfill their obligations and commitments. Promises and good intentions are not enough; trust requires…

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Stewarding Family Relationships By Zenet Maramara

The Gift of Family Relationships All of a sudden, we find ourselves thrown together and experience different family dynamics at work. In this time of the Covid 19 quarantine, we are forced to stay with each at home. Some are learning how to relate anew with spouse, children, and other relatives. I like to offer…

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Love No Matter What (10 Ways) By David Sanford

How do you love no matter what? Have you ever winced upon learning that a board or staff member within your ministry is struggling? Even harder, does that individual appear to doubt some of what he or she used to believe about God, the Bible, Jesus Christ, the Church, and the Christian faith? If so,…

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Church Resource Showcase Friday

SHOWCASE FRIDAY: CHURCH RESOURCES Christian Leadership Alliance is back with another Friday Showcase featuring church resources!  Today we want to introduce three resources that we believe would be valuable for churches to know about. And many of these are valuable for nonprofits and schools as well! We encourage you to review each of them and…

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The Priority of Being Rich in God By Wes Willmer and Micah Hogan

How do we give priority to being rich toward God? It’s a bit of an understatement to say that COVID-19 has called our priorities and the priority into question. People all over the world have had to re-evaluate how they can best utilize a significantly decreased arsenal of time and resources. In times like ours…

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A Biblical Perspective on Handling Dissent By Paul Swamidass

Learn from Jesus on how to handle dissent. Jesus uses the “prodigal son” parable to convey to his believers the unique qualities of God the father. Teachers and preachers have used this parable to communicate to their listeners, the unparalleled loving, merciful and gracious nature of God the Father. In the parable, the father eagerly…

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Becoming An Authentic Ally By Justin Powers and Deanna Singh

Become an Authentic Ally By Becoming a Better Samaritan Is it possible to be an authentic Ally? Over the last few months, many Christ-followers have begun conversations about responding to racial injustice. Jesus told us to love our neighbors, and many in the U.S. have started showing love for their Black neighbors in amazing ways.…

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