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The Power of Modeling By Mark L. Vincent

  The model you show is your base of power. It brings and holds power more than what you know or who you know. Over and over education experts tell us that lecturing is the worst kind of teaching model and that modeling behavior is best–especially if one wishes their leadership to be respected and…

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Anchoring Questions By Mark Stevenson and Lindsay Olesberg

ANCHORING QUESTIONS FOR YOUR BOARD AND TEAM In our experience walking alongside executive and board leaders during crucial transitions, the difference depends on the anchoring questions driving the conversation. This has been especially true over the last few months of our work. Periods of intensified strain burden leaders and organizations, but can also become fertile…

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Christian Education and Leader Development Showcase

  Friday Showcase: Higher Education and Leadership Training The week the Alliance showcases higher education and organizations that offer academic degrees and  in-depth leadership training.  Christian Leadership Alliance exists to equip and unite leaders call to transform the world for Christ. For over 40 years, the Christian Leadership Alliance community has put its years of…

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Serenity Now By R. Scott Rodin

A Search for Serenity Borrowing from a ‘Seinfeld’ episode, I want serenity and Iliket it now. Let me start this blog with a confession. I am writing this as much to myself as to you. I struggle to find God’s promised “peace that passes all understanding.” I am fighting a spirit of discouragement over the…

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Equipping Global Christian Leaders By W. Scott Brown

The Call to Go Global! Today’s world, amid a challenging global pandemic and other pressing crises, is in desperate need of the love, hope and heart transformation offered by Jesus Christ. Here at Christian Leadership Alliance, we believe this is an unparalleled moment for Christian leaders to engage for eternal impact. We’re passionate about equipping…

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Financial Management Resources Showcase

SHOWCASE FRIDAY: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT RESOURCES Financial Management Resources is the focus of today’s  Christian Leadership Alliance showcase series. Let’s take a look at this week’s best of the best list. AcctTwo Delivering the future of finance and accounting, AcctTwo is a leading consulting firm and provider of Managed Accounting Services. Our sophisticated systems solve the issues…

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Frame Your Appeal By Ron Frey

How will you frame your appeal now? How is your fundraising appeal doing in the midst of massive cultural change? The impact of COVID-19, George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the polarization of politics around so many social and economic issues, are shifting what donors feel is their highest priority for giving. How…

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Paycheck Protection Program Update

Paycheck Protection Program Loans – You can still apply! You have probably heard of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) signed into law by the President in March 2020. This program is a part of the larger Coronavirus Aid, Relief & Economic Security Act (CARES) intended to provide economic relief to small businesses impacted by COVID-19.…

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Resource Development Technology Showcase

Showcase Friday: Technology that Unlocks Generosity This is week three of the  Christian Leadership Alliance showcase series. Today we bring to you experts in the areas of resource development who specialize in different types of technology that makes generous giving easy. Let’s take a look at this week’s best of the best list. DonorDirect Don’t let…

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A Cosmic Lifeguard By Jon Lewis

 A Cosmic Lifeguard and a Lesson from Genesis The hot sun glistens off the water of the busy community swimming pool as the lifeguard, high up in his elevated chair, scans the summer bathers with a trained eye. Suddenly, he blows his whistle and points to a cluster of young boys engaged in some energetic…

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