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5 Things to Do Now in a Crisis By Brian Sanders

5 Things You Must Do Now to Navigate Crisis When crisis comes, you will need to determine what you will do now! That is the call of a leader. Our Current Crisis Stop. Pause tape. We know there’s a battle happening across the world. Bullets aren’t flying around, but a virus is. You can’t escape…

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Treasuring Your Trials By Lee Ellis

Treasuring Your Trials: Three Leadership Survival Steps for Challenging Times What a season we’ve had with the Coronavirus outbreak! What we have seen in the last week is shocking. Almost beyond comprehension. Incredible as it sounds, I experienced a similar shocking life change at age 24. My Vietnam POW Experience I was a combat experienced…

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Prayer is a Gift from God By Howard Rich

Prayer is a Gift The Father Gives to Each of Us Prayer is a gift from our Father that allows us to hear and see His heart for relationship with us.  As He works through us to make His name known, He wants to communicate with us personally.  What an amazing privilege we have in…

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Important Accounting and Auditing Updates By Junice Jones and Frank Jakosz

Important Accounting and Auditing Updates for Nonprofits Several accounting and auditing standards updates go into effect in 2020 and 2021. Nonprofits need to understand these changes and plan for effective implementation. Below is an overview of three of the key changes and how they may affect your organization. We’ll discuss these and other updates in…

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Opportunities within Crisis By Wesley K. Willmer and Micah Hogan

Never Waste the Opportunities of a Crisis Most likely you have heard the saying, “never waste a crisis” or “with any crisis also comes an opportunity.” The reason is that the chaos of a crisis provides a ripe environment for God to work as change more readily takes place. Particularly during this COVID-19 crisis, the…

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Your Team Isn’t Listening to You By Pam Marmon

5 Reasons Your Team Members Aren’t Listening to Your Ideas We can learn a lot about listening from God’s Word. In the Bible parable of the sower, Jesus describes a hardworking farmer who sows seeds in the land. Some seeds fall on fertile soil, while others fall in thorny land on the side of the…

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It’s Time to Cut Through the Noise By Pam Marmon

How to Cut Through the Noise and Communicate! In today’s busy world, it can be difficult for leaders to cut through the noise and make an emotional, profound impact on an audience. People see a near-endless stream of ads, messages, and media every day, and it tends to all blend together in a blur of…

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Organizational Change By Pam Marmon

8 Rules to Transform How You Think About Organizational Change If you’re leading a disruptive organizational change—a church-wide reorganization, for example—you’re probably feeling the pressure. Both in leadership and elsewhere in life, we’re taught to associate change with pain and discomfort. It’s no surprise then that many people fear transformation and assume the mindset that…

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Leading in Crisis By Ed McDowell

Leading in a Challenging Time of Crisis We are in a very challenging time of crisis.  Life as we knew it, has changed dramatically and abruptly thanks to a new threat, COVID-19.  The changes are substantial and rapid, with each day bringing about another set of variables and new information requiring rapid responses from leaders…

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VOMO: Free for COVID-19 Response

VOMO Makes its National Volunteering Platform Free for COVID-19 Response Any organization, in any community, worldwide can use it to mobilize volunteers! As of last week, VOMO (Volunteer Mobilization) made its volunteer management platform free and accessible to any organization mobilizing volunteers and any person who wants to serve during the COVID-19 crisis. In 2019,…

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