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Life on Loan By R. Scott Rodin

What changes when we live life on loan? As stewards, we understand that all of life is on loan, and we respond by living lightly in this world as caretakers of what is not ours. This results in a life of real freedom to which we respond with joyful obedience. The marks of the victorious…

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17 Ways to Hit Refresh By David Sanford

17 Ways Christian Leaders Can Hit the “Refresh” Button Every Christian leader who still wants to be in the ministry five years from now needs to take a day or two off each quarter to hit the “refresh” button. The most valuable assets we have, after all, aren’t our offices, computers, books and other tangible…

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Leaders Know When to Act Promptly By Paul Swamidass

  What difference does it make when a leader acts promptly? Joseph of Arimathea acted promptly and there is much we can learn by his example. Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent member of the Council, who was himself waiting for the kingdom of God, went boldly to Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body. Pilate was…

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The Unplanned Life By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Stewarding an Unplanned Life 2019 is proving to be a year of the unexpected and unplanned for me as well as for many friends I know. Quite frankly, it’s been hard, exhausting, and confounding. Perhaps you are in the same boat. The truth is when I pause and reflect on the past, every season of…

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Do No (Technological) Harm By Mark L. Vincent

    Technological advances require stewardship. A couple of now tattered technological articles from the 2 May 2019 Wall Street Journal found their way into my backpack.  They are: Workers, your Robot Overlords have Arrived, by Greg Ip Digital Data in Health Care Promises much, Has Limits, by Joseph Walker, Peter Loftus and Brianna Abbott…

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The Annual Report Contest By Randon Samelson

Your Annual Report Bridges the Gap Counsel & Capital strongly believes that the single most important tool for a ministry to build a bridge of confidence with major donors is the annual report.  Most ministries do not produce an Annual Report and those that do rarely connect with their audience in a meaningful way. To…

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Peace and Assurance By Linda Cunning

How to Have Peace & Assurance in Your Capital Campaign Work “And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever.” Isaiah 32:17 Recently, I was feeling unsettled with all that has been on my plate. Looking to the scripture for direction, Isaiah 32:17 stirred my heart. I…

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Your Most Important Message By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Your most important message often appears as the least significant! As I navigate life, I realize the little things in life are really the big and important things. If I apply this idea to the many channels through which I receive messages, a keen insight emerges. At least I am learning this in my own…

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Your Beliefs and Burnout By Ginger Hill

  Examine Your Beliefs Before You Burnout! Whether you are a Christ-centered servant in ministry or in the marketplace, when we think of managing stress and burnout, we often envision a cup in our mind. The balance between what flows into and out of the cup plays a part in determining our overall health and well-being…

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Multi-generational Fundraising By Stinnett, Petraglia & Steck

Learn the Multi-generational Perspectives on Fundraising These days we are challenged to think multi-generational!  Here you will find three different perspectives written by contributors from three different generations. We examine the impact that Millennials, Generation Xers, and Baby Boomers have had on fundraising, and how to best target them in your direct response communications. The…

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