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Your Response to Crisis By R. Scott Rodin

The Strange (and Christ-like) Response to Crisis Think back to the last time you faced a significant, critical need or crisis with woefully inadequate resources to meet it when you had to accomplish something great and your assets to achieve it was meager. Was it last year, last month, last week, this morning? Every leader…

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A Disquieted Soul By David Sanford

Are You a Disquieted Soul? Do you know what is stirring in your soul? It happened again this past Monday. A dedicated, successful, and hard-working Christian leader told me about the problems within the organization he leads. He listed a number of tell-tale markers as he expressed his frustrations. When he was done, I paused,…

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Cultivating a People First Attitude By W. Rusty Faulks

In Business and Life, it’s people first every time! When it comes to organizational effectiveness, a business that works must have a people-first attitude. My question is how do we value people and, by doing so, build a strong business that attracts and retains the right people? How do we create a workplace where people…

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Stewards Ask Questions By Howard Rich

Did you know stewards ask questions? In a world where we are bombarded with a never-ending torrent of information, all of which seems to be grabbing at our attention, we would be wise to slow down and ask ourselves some core questions in an effort to focus and filter what we allow to shape us…

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How to Build Board Unity By Randy Bronkema

How to Build Board Unity at Your Ministry As an executive director of a Christian ministry, you have the opportunity to work with a board of directors. In my experience, board members come from all sorts of different backgrounds: business owners, business executives, stay-at-home-moms, teachers, lawyers and the list goes on. Engaging with such diversity…

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Take the Compensation Survey 2019!

Keep Pace with Your Employee’s Compensation! Christian Leadership Alliance and Compensation Resources, Inc. are pleased to open participation in the 2019 Compensation Survey Report for Christian Organizations.  This annual survey is designed to capture compensation and related data for a variety of leadership and staff positions within Christian organizations. We invite all Christian nonprofit organizations to take part in…

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The Sower By Rich Haynie

The Sower: A Book Review Are you tired of raising money and wish you could be a sower, who focuses on people who love God and give generously out of their love relationship? In the book, The Sower: Redefining the Ministry of Raising Kingdom Resources , Rodin and Hoag provide a thoroughly biblical foundation and reorientation for…

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Infected with Joy By Matt Fore

3 Easy Ways to Be Infected with Joy Smiles are rare these days but if there were a time you might expect to see them, it would be during the vacation season. Yet families trudge through with frowns almost as if they were at work and school. Back at home, the stern expression of time…

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Ministry Resilience By Lee Ellis

  Ministry Resilience –  3 Ways to Bounce Back In life and ministry,  resilience is essential because it is  inevitable to go through tough times that seem impossible. Pushing through a challenge with unrelenting determination. Simply not giving up when you want to call it quits. Doing things that you don’t feel like doing in…

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Mind and Heart By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Prayer for a Mind and Heart Surrendered “Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.  And being found in human…

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