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Gratitude by Jon Lewis

  Do you have an attitude of gratitude?   Sometimes it is challenging to find and keep an attitude of gratitude. Right after Christmas, my wife broke her leg in a skiing accident. Thanks to a novice snowboarder who ran into her on our first run down the mountain, my wife found herself with a…

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Laughter Heals You By Matt Fore

Three Ways Laughter Can Help You Heal Why is laughter so important to all of us?  Well, there are exactly 9 billion medications now available over the counter according to a study I just made up in my head. So, perhaps it’s not quite that many. But it’s a lot. The subject of illness is…

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Transactional versus Transformational Giving by Robert Yi

Do you encourage transactional  or transformation giving? Non-profit organizations and their donors have unwittingly created a culture of “transactional giving.” Today’s approach to fundraising is formulaic: offer a simple proposition describing what a specific donation will achieve. $30 provides three laying hens for a family. $38 per month sponsors a child living in poverty. $100…

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Wisdom in Trials By Howard Rich

Steward Leaders Seek Wisdom in Trials James 1:1-5 is a passage rich with words about trials for those whom God has entrusted with leadership responsibilities.  As stewards operating in leadership roles, it is wise to be constantly reminded we serve one Lord and one Savior, who is King over one Kingdom. OUR NEED Acknowledging we…

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Does God Care? By David Wills

Does God care where we give? God cares about each of us. He allows us to steward financial resources for His glory and our good. He knows that as we glorify Him out of gratitude for His gifts to us, we experience true life. And He desires that we reflect His generosity through our giving.…

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A Steward leader in the Storm by Andrea Leigh Capuyan

How does a steward leader encounter the storm? The storm is raging all around me, and it is raging in me. How can God remain so still? Is he sleeping and unaware? How am I supposed to continue steering this boat when the strong winds blow? Even in the midst of chaos, we remain stewards.…

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Winning Goals – Part Two By Dr. Daniel Hallak

  The Heart of Winning Goals – Part Two Decades of research tells us that that goals are a powerful motivational force for winning. The deeper challenge is how to set the right goals and orient our hearts to put effort toward the things that matter most. When we set goals and take action, we…

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Winning Goals – Part One By Dr. Daniel Hallak

The Heart of Winning Goals – Part One I’ve been failing at goal setting since my 6th birthday party. My parents created thoughtful birthday games to keep everyone entertained. We started with a round of pin the tail on the donkey in the yard. They surrounded me with my friends, spun me till I was…

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Moses: Unselfish Leadership By Paul Swamidass

  Moses, the most unselfish leader and example. There was a tragic moment when Moses was conversing with God on Mount Sinai (Exodus 32). Moses was unaware that his brother and partner Aaron was enabling the worship of a freshly-cast golden calf at the foot of the mountain in defiance of God. God saw what…

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Why Be Anxious? By Mark L. Vincent

There’s power in exchanging anxious for possibility! It was tempting to be anxious when a recent winter morning brought glare ice and inability to travel and honor some face-to-face appointments.  Coming back inside after a fruitless attempt to leave our driveway, we learned that not only was our internet out but our phone package did…

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