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Succession planning is good stewardship!

Succession: Holding Legacy Loosely By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Succession Planning is the Path to a Strong Finish There comes a moment when every board or leader must plan for succession and consider those who will next lead the ministry, church, or organization. If we are willing, succession planning can become a process of personal transformation because this process can unmask any hidden desires…

Getting your houses in order!

Put Your Houses in Order By Gary G. Hoag

God Expects our Houses to be in order! God cares that pastors and ministry administrators have their houses in order. How do we know this? Jesus put the temple in order twice. After performing His first miracle at the start of His ministry, we read about the first time in John 2:13-16. When it was…

Gratitude for Outcomes Conference 2023

Entrusted: Giving Thanks for Those Called to Serve

Thanks to All Who Invest Their Best in Others As we conclude the Outcomes Conference 2023, we give thanks to all those who invested their best for God’s glory and the advancement of his master plan. Collaboration is a core value of the Christian Leadership Alliance and we witnessed it fully expressed through this annual…

Global Digital Expeirence

Entrusted: Convene and Equip Leaders from Every Nation

An Invitation to Convene and Equip Global Christian Leaders This week over 1,000 Christian leaders are in Chicago to convene and equip at the Outcomes Conference 2023. Not only will they sharpen and be sharpened this week, they will choose to take a stand and pay forward the professional training they are experiencing this week.…

Outcomes Academy Online Spring 2023

Entrusted: To Learn and Grow Online

The Spring Term of the Outcome Academy Online Is Ready for You! The Outcomes Academy Online runs its Credentialed Christian Nonprofit Leadership (CCNL) Program courses four times a year. This spring you can choose from either a required course or an elective that will keep you on track to complete this professional credential. You’ll experience…

Nonprofit Board Governance

Good Nonprofit Board Governance By Rob Faulk and Nathan Davis

Key Steps to Good Nonprofit Board Governance Effective nonprofit boards play a vital role in safeguarding the organization’s overall health and stability. Yet many nonprofit leaders and board members do not fully understand what good board governance entails. As defined in The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance from BoardSource, board governance is the board’s legal authority…


A Greater Good for Global Leaders

The Outcome Conference Global Digital Experience 2022: A Greater Good There is often a greater good that comes from some of the hardest of times. So it was for Christian Leadership Alliance in the spring of 2020. Poised to present our 2020 Outcomes Conference (prophetically themed:TRANSFORM), the country shut down and so did the possibility…

Outcomes Conference 2022

I Belong! An Alliance for Leaders Like You By W. Scott Brown

The Outcomes Conference 2022 “I Belong!” The Outcomes Conference 2022, April 26-28, in Louisville, Kentucky was themed “I Belong!” This dynamic event brought together like-minded leaders, who are on a journey of becoming lifelong friends through a shared passion for God’s kingdom work in our world today. I love the way Christian Leadership Alliance president…

Prayer for Steward Leaders and Boards By R. Scott Rodin

An Exercise of Prayer for Steward Leaders and Steward Boards I grew up in a highly liturgical church, and I still love the planned intentionality of moving through prayer, reading, and response rituals. I love liturgy. We wrote a liturgy to support our Steward Declaration, and I hope you will consider using it as part…

Succession Planning and the Board

The Board and Succession Planning By Dr. David L. McKenna

The Governing Board Must Lead the Way in Succession Planning! The governing board of a Christian organization has the lead role in the drama of succession planning. On center stage at the beginning of transition, the board has primary responsibility for the continuity of mission through the formal authority entrusted to it. Tacit in this…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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