Posts Tagged ‘.bible’
When Jesus Chooses to Not Play Nice By David Sanford
Powerful Ways Jesus Chooses to Not “Play Nice” To Jesus, the master conversationalist, relationship and meaning triumph over social norms…every time. He interrupts. He puzzles. He changes subject. He provokes. He monologues. It’s all fair game toward one overriding mission. This is what happens before the Bible’s most famous verse, John 3:16! A Visitor Because…
Read MorePractical Advice for Leaders By Bob Lonac
Be on Guard PLUS More Practical Advice for Leaders! In our daily reading, Kathleen and I came across a powerful verse with practical advice: “Now be on your guard for yourselves and for every flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you guardians.” (Acts 20:28, JB Phillips) This is some of the…
Read MoreShowcase Friday: Surprise and Delight Resources
SHOWCASE FRIDAY: A SURPRISE AND DELIGHT LIST OF RESOURCES Christian Leadership Alliance presents another Showcase Friday. This week we are sharing a potpourri of amazing service providers and ministries you need to know about if you are a church, Christian nonprofit or educational institute! Check out the sneak previews and visit their websites. We hope…
Read MoreHow to Keep Your Team Aligned While Working Remotely By Scott Wennermark
Make working remotely work for your team You’re probably feeling thankful for technology and the ability to continue producing during this unprecedented time, but you might also be feeling some other emotions, too. While remote working enables progress and might allow critical deadlines to be maintained, there’s undoubtedly a change in the quality of communication…
Read MoreBrand Clarity with One Website Hack By Scott Wennermark
3 Organizations Finding Brand Clarity with One Website Hack With almost 2 billion websites in existence, how can an organization’s brand and website stand out in the crowded landscape? Many organizations have solved this problem by finding a digital home in a new neighborhood. Domain names that are clear, unique and strategic, are more easily…
Read MoreInspiration for Every Leader by Scott Wennermark
Seven Bible Verses Full Inspiration for Every Leader Every leader experiences highs and lows and needs inspiration. In the lowest of times, distress and depression can threaten to take over, and diminish the “highs” we’ve achieved. As leaders, it’s important to receive encouragement from the greatest leadership text of all time — The Bible. Here…
Read MoreCreating a People-First Environment By Kenny Jahng
You can create a people-first environment! What if you could cultivate a people-first environment, and yet not bear the burden alone? “When it comes to organizational effectiveness, a business that works must have a people-first attitude.” W. Rusty Faulks, Samaritan’s Purse When leaders are driven to maximize stewardship of resources and meeting benchmarks, there often…
Read MoreAbounding in Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving for the featured sponsors and exhibitors – #Outcomes19 Christian Leadership Alliance gives thanks for the sponsors and exhibitors who supported the Outcomes Conference 2019. This post is in honor of the ministries, organizations and businesses that dedicate their time, talents and resources to strengthening those called to lead and serve in churches, nonprofit ministry…
Read MoreIncrease SEO Value By DJ Chuang
Six Steps To Increase SEO Value Of Your Nonprofit Website A lot has changed for the internet and search engine optimization (SEO), but there are some tried and true ways to increase your site’s rankings and bring you the traffic you need to grow. Here are six industry-proven steps you can incorporate today. Use…
Read MoreShaping a Nation By Dr. Roy Peterson
Shaping a nation by reading, living and sharing the Bible. By Dr. Roy Peterson ~ Much has been said about the Bible’s influence on the nation’s founders, but let’s pick up the story a generation later. In 1816, the year of American Bible Society’s founding, what formative role did Scripture play as the United States…
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