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Death and Fruitfulness By Dr. Bob Snyder

The Prerequisite for Fruitfulness God’s desire for me is abundant fruitfulness. He even gave me the prescription for this, Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. (John 12:24 NIV) Do you mean…

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When Will You Give Back? By Emily Nelson

What keeps you from the deciding to give back? The decision to give sure seems to require jumping through a number of hoops. Personally, I’ve never felt quite confident in my donation strategies, but there are a few things I try to keep an eye on as I give: reminding myself of the biblical reasoning,…

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3 Phrases that Mark Lifelong Learning By Mark L. Vincent

  Lifelong Learning – Three Steward Leader Phrases There are often phrases that best defines the ideals and concepts we know to be true. In this post we look at the three phrases that capture the lifelong learning journey of a a steward leader. In a forthcoming episode of the Third Turn Podcast, my co-host…

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Lead Like it Matters to God By W. Scott Brown

Outcomes Conference Book of the Year Lead Like it Matters to God This week, as we mark the 45th Anniversary of Christian Leadership Alliance, we are pleased to announce the Outcomes Conference Book of the Year, Lead Like it Matters to God by Rich Stearns. Rich is the president emeritus of World Vision U.S., and…

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It’s Still Possible to Clap Your Hands By Karen Moore

It’s Still Possible to Clap Your Hands in Joy! Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. ~ Psalm 47:1, NIV Chances are you seldom take a bow, even though you often deserve a round of applause. You do amazing work that others might applaud, but you tell yourself it…

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Five Years of Patience By Mark L. Vincent

What does 5 years of patience require? The apostle James gives us an admonition folks seem to be fond of quoting during Pandemic Time: “Now listen to me, you that say, ’Today or tomorrow we will travel to a certain city, where we will stay a year and go into business and make a lot…

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Being at Peace With God By Howard Rich

Stewards are at Peace with God Take a moment and think about how you experience the undeniable peace of God in your life as a leader. For me, I feel it in my leadership when I am seeking His guidance through an ongoing, personal communion with Him.  That relationship is intensely personal but requires intentional…

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Prayer is a Gift from God By Howard Rich

Prayer is a Gift The Father Gives to Each of Us Prayer is a gift from our Father that allows us to hear and see His heart for relationship with us.  As He works through us to make His name known, He wants to communicate with us personally.  What an amazing privilege we have in…

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Song of Simeon By W. Scott Brown

Insights from Simeon, his song and unshakable faith. A biblical character who has captured my attention this Christmas season is Simeon. I find his faith remarkable, his obedience inspiring and his joy contagious. We learn of Simeon’s expectant devotion to God in the Gospel of Luke. Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon,…

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Late December Gifts By Shelley Cochrane

Expecting and Responding to Late December Gifts Thirty percent of annual giving occurs in December when everyone’s philanthropic tendencies begin to kick into high gear. This makes it a fantastic time of year to reach beyond your new and active donors, and reengage those lapsed donors as well. But don’t stop there! This is also…

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