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New Year and a Better You

A New Year is the perfect time to invest in becoming a better you! A New Year represents a new beginning and a renewed commitment to becoming a better you. As a nonprofit leader, this is an excellent time to strengthen your leadership and improve  your overall effectiveness.  It has been seen through time that…

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Ready or Not, Here Comes Change! By Alan G. Weisenberger

  Readiness for Change is up to you! Unless you’ve been asleep like Rip Van Winkle, you know that change is a constant in today’s world.  But just because it’s constant doesn’t mean we’re good at it. It would be easier if we all viewed it the same way.  But inevitably, while some are clamoring…

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Cultivating Relationships By Howard Rich

Leadership is About Relationships As a leader, we influence best through relationships, not through position.  Without them, leaders cannot effectively and consistently address the issues of leadership development, ethics, fiscal responsibility, stakeholder relations, and stewardship practices.  Leaders deal with people; therefore, the best way to deal with issues is to learn to work well with…

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Contact Center Turnover By Sarah Hall

Techniques for Contact Centers to Reduce High Turnovers Staff turnover is one of the biggest problems that contact centers face today. It has a huge impact on the costs and the quality of service. According to the 2016 US Contact Center Decision Makers’ Guide from – the Average annual turnover rate for a customer service representative (CSR) was…

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Nonprofit Board Service by Randy Hain

The nonprofit board – to serve or not to serve? “Why should I serve on this nonprofit board?” It’s the fundamental question we should ask ourselves before accepting a board position. Our time is stretched thin and free minutes are precious, so evaluate any extra time commitments with thoughtful discernment. In my first board role…

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Sharing the Story: An interview with Joel Dillon

Those whom you serve tell your story best. As president and CEO of Jill’s House, Joel Dillon believes in the power of story. He seeks ways to share the story of Christ with the families he serves and to share their stories with the world. In this excerpt from the 2017 Summer edition of Outcomes…

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Board Trust By Mark Luckey

Trust is fundamental to strengthening board relationships. By Mark Luckey ~ I have found over the years that of all the various ingredients for a positive relationship between CEO and board, the most important is trust. With it, almost any obstacle can be overcome. Without it, even the best of relationships will soon erode. Here…

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Changing Team Culture By Lisa Cooper

Changing team culture is a long-term goal. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. By Lisa Cooper~ More than two years ago, I was promoted to lead a team. What I found was there was a lack of accountability, no established common thread of faith and unclear expectations for staff performance. I set out to change…

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Preparing for the New Year By Tami Heim

How are you preparing for the new year? By Tami Heim ~ We are days away from the start of the new year. For many this is a time of reflection and planning for the future. Leaders have many ways of processing the past and understanding its impact on who they are and what they…

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An Ethical Recruiter By Dingman and Kidd

An Ethical Recruiter: Ethics and the Executive Search Process By Bruce Dingman and Rich Kidd~ Almost every organization wants to operate with high ethics, be professional and treat people well. But many people are unfamiliar with the executive search process and are unclear what they should do and what their search consultant should do. To…

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