A New Year is the perfect time to invest in becoming a better you!
A New Year represents a new beginning and a renewed commitment to becoming a better you. As a nonprofit leader, this is an excellent time to strengthen your leadership and improve your overall effectiveness. It has been seen through time that when the leader grows, it positively impacts the whole organization.
Are you ready to take that next step?
Enrollment for the Outcomes Academy Online Winter term is now open! This experience offers in-depth leadership training on a state-of-the-art, dynamic online platform. These interactive and innovative 10-hour modules are developed by some of America’s top thought leaders in Christian leadership, and group discussions are facilitated by experts with hands-on experience.
It’s time for you to go deep, engage in lively discussions and have an opportunity to create action plans that lead to immediate and practical results.
Here is what is being offered this Winter through the Academy. All courses share the same registration deadline and start date.
Take the next step and encourage your team to join you on the journey! Make this new year count for the whole team!
Lead Like Jesus – BRAND-NEW
This module is designed to help the participant learn what is needed to develop the heart, head , hands and habits of a great leader with Jesus as the model. The readings, videos, and other materials are designed to help the participant uncover what might be keeping him/her from realizing full leadership potential while helping develop those skills and habits needed to become a leader who leads like Jesus.
Faculty: Phyllis Hennecy Hendry – President and CEO, Lead Like Jesus
Category: Executive Leadership
Last Day to Register: Jan 14, 2019
Module Start Date: Jan 21, 2019
Accounting Basics for Ministry Leaders
Every nonprofit leader should have a basic understanding of the accounting roles and responsibilities within that organization. This basic accounting principles module is designed to provide an overview of how accounting is done for a ministry and the requirements for presenting financial information for the primary account balances. It is a high level perspective that will allow individuals throughout an organization to obtain a general understanding of accounting information.
Faculty: Jennifer Bridges – Co-Owner, Bridges Accounting and Consulting
Category: Financial Management
Last Day to Register: Jan 14, 2019
Module Start Date: Jan 21, 2019
Building Boards that Produce
Does your board produce? This module offers a framework for highly effective boards. It provides senior staff and board members (ideally together) insight on building board effectiveness and organizational productivity. A great board is a blessing to everyone who supports, works for or benefits from the organization. Any board can be a great board, but that greatness doesn’t arise from the individual talent of board members, or of the CEO or executive director.
Faculty: Tom Okarma – CCNL, Founder, Vantage Point
Category: Board Governance
Last Day to Register: Jan 14, 2019
Module Start Date: Jan 21, 2019
CCNL Stewardship
The module is designed to provide the leader of a nonprofit organization an executive-level view of what is required for the God-honoring stewardship of finance, tax, legal and people management and care. The attention to these foundational aspects of leading a ministry well is essential to establishing excellence and transparency. This module is required for all those participating in the CCNL program and is highly recommended for all executive directors, CEOs, COOs, CFOs and Human Resource Executives.
Faculty: Lisa Cooper – CCNL, Director of Operations, Samaritan House
Category: CCNL
Last Day to Register: Jan 14, 2019
Module Start Date: Jan 21, 2019
CCNL Relationship
The module is designed to provide the leader of a nonprofit organization an executive-level view of how to create and build an engaging brand, connect that brand with various audiences, and inspire donor support. You will learn to establish your organization’s distinctive brand. You will gain insight on how to pursue a sound approach to technology in your organization’s communications. And you will gain practical, biblically-based, insight on how to build and steward transformative life-long relationships with your organization’s donors.
Faculty: Shelley Cochrane – CCNL, Vice President, Douglas Shaw & Associates
Category: CCNL
Last Day to Register: Jan 14, 2019
Module Start Date: Jan 21, 2019
Christian Leadership Alliance is grateful for the faithful support of Conerstone Management LLC.
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As a privately held registered investment adviser, Cornerstone is able to design customized investment solutions to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our commitment to independence allows us the freedom to combine cutting edge technology with time honored investment techniques to enhance our clients’ stewardship.
Thorough Experience
The Cornerstone team has developed unique experience in administering complex split interest gift arrangements. Combined with their commitment to customer service and attention to detail, this experience allows them to fully support the needs of your planned giving staff. While the new year is just beginning to unfold…