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Christian Leadership Alliance’s Spring Reads for a Leader Like You

Spring Reads You Won’t Want to Miss! W. Scott Brown, VP of Learning Experiences and Resources for Christian Leadership Alliance, curates reading recommendations for Spring 2023. (And some you will want to pick up later this summer!) Drum roll, please! OUTCOMES CONFERENCE BOOK OF THE YEAR: 1. A Daring Faith in a Cowardly World: Live…

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Working with One Heart and Mind By Ron Haas

True Ministry Partners Know How to Work as One “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in…

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My Bout with Anxiety by Alec Hill

Empathy for Those with Anxiety and Mental Health Issues It started with a low potassium count, and anxiety followed. The imbalance showed up on a blood test during my annual physical exam. The solution seemed simple enough – take supplements. But, for whatever reason, that didn’t work. What ensued – waking up abruptly in the…

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Faith-Based Portfolio Screening by Richard Todd

Faith-Based Portfolio Screening to Align with Values Faith-based organizations — churches, dioceses, religious orders, and other religious institutions – have often created portfolios for their investments assets that are aligned with their values.  It is common to see them screen out companies connected to abhorrent practices or that are involved in industries that violate their…

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A Steadfast Spirit By Dr. Bob Snyder

A Steadfast Spirit in a Shaking World “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. ” 1 Corinthians 15:58 ESV  The world is shaking! Earthquakes, hurricanes, pandemics, war—when will it stop? Where is God? Shaking in my life…

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Create Great Communication and Leadership by Brian Audia

Discover The Elements Needed to Create Great Communication A key component to great leadership is great communication. Your organization’s success and the impact of the message you intend to communicate depends much on how well YOU strategize your communication internally and externally. Two elements needed to create great leadership communication are communicating with the right…

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Defining Success By Dr. Al Hearne II

How Do You Define Success? To lead, a person must have an inner desire to succeed. This inner desire drives them forward, helping them navigate the obstacles to achieve success. Yet success is hard to define because the definition changes based on the person, the industry, the project, or the task. Therefore, from start to…

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Finding Gold in Manure By Alec Hill

Sometimes You Have to Dig Deep to Find Gold! People lose gold wedding rings in various locations – garbage disposals, bathroom sinks, and, yes, toilets. Suffice it to say. It is not a pleasant experience digging through refuse to find the gold. But we do so because the ring is of such great value. Similarly,…

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Put Your Houses in Order By Gary G. Hoag

God Expects our Houses to be in order! God cares that pastors and ministry administrators have their houses in order. How do we know this? Jesus put the temple in order twice. After performing His first miracle at the start of His ministry, we read about the first time in John 2:13-16. When it was…

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Happiness and Human Flourishing By Dr. Zenet Maramara

The Search for Happiness and Human Flourishing Throughout history, people and society have pursued happiness and well-being. The worldly (hedonic) definition of happiness consists of enjoying the pleasures of life and adding fun, joy, and excitement to everyday living. People buy and accumulate stuff to make themselves happy. They seek gratification, entertainment, or amusement to…

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