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A Time to Learn, Connect and Grow

A Time to Be Where You Belong! Yes it is time! I Belong is the theme of The Outcomes Conference 2022.  Presented by Christian Leadership Alliance, this is the annual gathering of Christian leaders who are united in purpose and passionate about advancing kingdom outcomes. Legendary Location It’s time to plan your travel. Louisville, Kentucky…

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Framework for Discernment Retreats By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Discernment Retreats to Align Your Ministry to God’s Plan We can’t plan travel or program retreats as we did in the past. This has led us as church and ministry workers to set aside our desires with fasting to discern God’s heart. We have had to rethink how we do what we do. This has…

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The Importance of a Strong Data Team By Robert Johnson

The Power of a Strong Data Team There is a good chance the job description for any data team member role includes words like “diligent, conscientious, and eye for detail” . . . and for good reason. The information processed by the data team plays a key role in future strategies and the success of…

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Practice Keeping It Simple By Mark L. Vincent

YES, You Can Keep It Simple Simple living can be a significant challenge for a leader. Whether you are a Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director or even interim CEO, you are responsible for the whole of the organization. Nobody else shares the responsibility for the complexity of the whole at the level you do, Even…

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Stewarding Power and Privilege By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Understanding the Stewardship of Power & Privilege Power and privilege in the life of a leader must be understood and scrutinized if we wish to steward goodness and beauty in our relationships, organizations, and society. As I reflect on current events, I am struck by how easily we are blind to the harm we perpetuate.…

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Ministry Bullies By Alec Hill

The Reality of Encountering Bullies in Ministry Recently, I drafted a list of bullies whom I’ve known over the years. Schoolyard ruffians were easy to recall. They were usually big, not-so-bright, and angry at the world. Workplace bullies came next. Generally more intelligent and subtle, they used psychological and emotional intimidation rather than fists. Webster…

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The Steward Declaration By R. Scott Rodin

Tomorrow is the Launch of The Steward Declaration Tomorrow is the official launch of The Steward Declaration, and it comes to you with an invitation for you to take a stand. A Fiery Furnace Daniel’s chapter 3 has the familiar story of Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and the fiery furnace. When this is often preached or…

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4 Courageous Ways to Lead By Lee Ellis

4 Courageous Ways to Lead with Honor in 2022 Consistently leading with honor can be challenging in good times but, in difficult times it requires a courageous heart.   We’ve lived with COVID almost two years now, and it’s ironic that the “Corona Virus” brings to mind the wisdom of an old expression about a phrase…

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It’s Time to Close the Door…

Are you ready to close the door so another one can open? As 2021 comes to a close, it’s time to reflect on what God has done and what is to come. Your Alliance team is praying over you, your organizations and its sacred place in our worldwide community of Christian Leaders. We trust that…

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Challenges and Opportunities By Mark Dreistadt

CHALLENGES ALWAYS PRESENT NEW OPPORTUNITIES Highlighting challenges and opportunities, Infinity Concepts recently released a new research report: The Ripple Effect: Congregations, COVID, and the Future of Church Life. This report is the result of a research study conducted by Infinity Concepts and Grey Matter Research which included over 1000 American evangelical Protestants and examined the impact of…

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