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Equipping Emerging Leaders By Andrea Buczynski

Cru’s Senior Leader Initiative for Emerging Leaders By Andrea Buczynski ~ In January 2004, we sat quietly, sobered by reality. Current U.S. leaders in Cru, in their mid to late 50s, had no obvious successors or succession plans. Leaders with potential to qualify didn’t have the organizational leadership experience to lead nationally. They had no…

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Momentum Three: The Spirit By Kay Arthur

Momentum: The Spirit of God at Work By Kay Arthur ~ Jesus’ instruction in Acts 1:4–8 included the admonition to “wait for what the Father had promised” and “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses….” When on the day of Pentecost, Peter preached of…

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Stewards Under Authority By Howard Rich

LEARNING FROM ANOTHER STEWARD UNDER AUTHORITY By Howard Rich ~ Those of us in leadership positions are in and under authority, and can learn a thing or two from another man under authority in Scripture. Matthew 8:5-13 teaches a great lesson on authority, where it comes from, and how to use it. A centurion came…

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Momentum Two: God's Word By Kay Arthur

  Momentum: God’s Word Creates It By Kay Arthur – Acts 1:3 tells us Jesus spent 40 days after his death and resurrection with the apostles “speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God.” Men described in Acts 4:13 as “uneducated and untrained men,” recognized as “having been with Jesus.” Yet on the day…

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Momentum One: Wisdom By Kay Arthur

  Momentum: Wisdom By Kay Arthur ~ What if God in mercy and wisdom has responded to our fasting and prayers and provided a window of time to seek and make disciples in our nation and from the nations living in our land? What would it mean to share the gospel without the fear of…

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Multi-generational Teams By Dr. Teresa Moon

Multi-generational Teams: Shifting from Frustration to Momentum Dr. Teresa Moon ~ “Nobody wants that!” These words expressed the sentiment of just about every organizational leader at the end of our annual international convention. Senior leaders left frustrated and exhausted. Younger workers felt devalued and overlooked. I was annoyed… angry…hurt… numb. Did I cause this? How…

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Winter Seasons and Leadership By W. Scott Brown

Are you in a winter season? Look to the harvest that is to come. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. ~ Gal. 6:9 By W. Scott Brown ~ My wife Kristin and I are members of a large…

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Unnamed Characters By Gary Hoag

Here is what we learn from three unnamed New Testament characters. By Gary Hoag ~ Lately, in my daily walk with Jesus I am learning a lot from unnamed NT characters. Stewards that pastor churches and administrate ministries often look at named saints in the Scriptures for inspiration and instruction. In this post, I highlight my top…

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Leaders Who Want to Last By David Sanford

Discover the 8 books for Christian leaders who want to last! by David Sanford ~  Every Christian leader who still wants to be in ministry five years from now needs to carefully read eight books. All eight have been game-changers for me. Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box by Arbinger Institute (Berrett-Koehler). This international mainstream best-seller applies what…

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The Esther Ultimatum By R. Scott Rodin

The Esther Ultimatum: Finding our place in our present cultural warfare By R. Scott Rodin ~ Words of great wisdom seem to live a circular existence. When first uttered, they amaze and inspire. However, after continued use and overuse, they become trite and are set aside. After their time in exile from popularity most will…

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